New story part 9

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Karin:" himeka chan let's go to the festival...."
Himeka:" ah...i forgot about it...anyway I prepared two kimonos for you and I to wear for the festival ...."
Karin:" eh? himeka chan...your the best!..."
Himeka:" let me do your hair for you...karin chan do you want to tie a bun ?"

Karin:" I'll leave it up to you..."

Himeka:" alright then I'm going to tie a bun for you since it'll make you stand out more..."

Karin:" Himeka chan I heard today we had a new transfer student in our class...did you see him?"

Himeka:" I didn't but that guy seems weird..he wasn't in classs the whole day..."

Kazune walks in:" Karin...Himeka...are you guys prepared?"(blushes after seeing Karin who looked wonderfulin the kimono)

Karin:" ah...Kazune look great in that...."
Himeka:" we're almost done could you wait outside kazune kun?"

Kazune:" sure..."

Himeka:" here the final touch up...a pink rose...for your looks great on you...lets not keep kazune kun waiting...karin chan lets go"
Karin:" ah...hai!....I'm coming...."

Kazune holds karin's and himeka's hand:" lets go...."
Himeka:" are we forgetting something?"

Micchi:" thats so mean kujou kun how could you ditch me...waa...hanazono san kawaii...himeka chan you look cute as well"
Karin and himeka:" arigatou micchi"
Kazune:" isn't that..."

Karin:" whats wrong did you see someone you know...?"

Kazune:" eh? no its nothing..."(grins)

Karin:" Himeka chan lets have some takoyaki...oh and lets play that...."

Himeka:" wow....Karin chan your good at scored a strike so quickly..."
Karin:"eh? ah...must be the training kazune kun gave the way where are micchi and kazune kun?..."

Himeka:" did they get lost?"
Transfer student:"Are you  Hanazono Karin?..."
Karin:" eh? do I know you?"

himeka:" ah...the transfer student?...."

Transfer student:" ah ....sorry for not introducing name is Yoru...nice to meet you karin chan and himeka chan..."(grins)

Kazune:" damn wrong person where did that brat go..."

Micchi:" kazune kun what're you doing here...why did you sneak off..."
Kazune:"  eh? ah...I thought I saw someone I knew..."

Yoru:" My name has the meaning of night....isn't it weird?"

Karin:" eh? I think its nice...."
Himeka:" why weren't you in class yoru kun?"

Yoru :" I wasn't feeling so well so i went to the infirmary but to think the infirmary sensei was a pervert..she tried to molest me..."

Karin:" ahhhahahaha...I know what you mean..shes always like that..."

Kazune:" karin! himeka!...where have you been...ah..I knew it...yoru why are you here?...."

Yoru:" ah.."(trying to escape)

Karin:" eh? hes your middle school friend?then why doesn't himeka know him..."
Kazune:" thats because he never attends classes...he's a real flirt don't be tricked by him.."

Yoru:" thats so mean..kazune kun just when i came here to look for your wife to think she was that cute....I may want to snatch her away...."(smirks)

Kazune:" I'll kill you!"

Yoru:" I shall take my leave now see you in school hanazono san"

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