[JM] Knife throwing.

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-In this chapter are some not so friendly words (not that many probably care) but I thought I should warn ya'll for this chapter and the future ones that some cursin gonna be up in this book


Angrily, I threw my knife at the tree, and yet again it bounced off, landing on the ground. I grunt at the stupid thing.

"Why, can't I throw a knife properly." I mumble lowly to myself.

I squat down and pick up the knife. I  attempt to stick the knife in the tree again, but I fail, yet again.

"I will one way or another get you in that tree, even if it's the last thing that I do." I say picking it up off the ground.

I sit down by the tree, taking a break. God i'm sweaty, and all ive accomplished is getting the knife stuck in the tree, less than an inch and it fell out quickly after.

"Maybe you're the one who's shitty." I say looking at it closely, and frown at it.

This is stupid, I wouldn't be out here if Murphy had kept his sarcasm to himself. I don't even know why I liked him at first, all he does is boss people around, and be rude. But he just loves getting up under my skin the most.

"Talking to knifes now." Murphy says, smirking.

I inwardly groan.

"Go away Murphy."

"I just got here."

"Fine. I'll leave." I stand up to leave, dusting my pants offs. I would have stood my ground, but god no, not right now. I would probably kill him. I am sick and tired of his nitpicking.

I go to walk past him. But he grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Don't leave"

"Why?" I ask, eying him cautiously.

"I can teach you, how to throw a knife." He says, letting go of my arm.

I look at him closely. He does know what he's doing, but he will probably be a dick about it.

"Are you gonna actually teach me?"

"Of couse."

I give him one last look, before I turn around looking at the tree. I grip the knife in my hand, getting ready to throw the knife. But I stop and tense up, as soon as I feel him grip one hand on my hip and the other on my hand holding the knife.

"I think I know what your problem is, Your tense as hell. But don't worry I didn't do it right at first either." He says, moving me into a more better position.

"Shut up and just tell me what to do." I say, impatiently.

"That's ironic you usally tell me to not tell you what to do." He says, taking my hand and guiding it in throwing the knife at the tree.

It went in the tree, it actually went in and stayed. I was ecstatic at first, but then relisation that I didn't do it on my own hit. I was still happy but I wanted to do it by myself.

Murphy still had his hands on me and I moved out of his grip. He walked towards the tree and ggrabbe the knife. Maybe Murphy isn't as bad as I thought. He walked back to me and handed me the knife.

"Thanks," I give him a light smile.

"No problem"

I move to throw the knife at the tree again, but stop when I hear Murphy chuckle. I turn and look at him.

"What," I ask confused.

He moved closer and pushed my arm up slightly higher. Then backed up.

"Go ahead."

I threw it at the tree. It went in and stayed. I was in some type of pure blissful shock. I slowly turned and looked at Murphy, he laughed at me and my reaction. He went and retrieved the knife and came back.

"Congrats, you fully stabbed a tree with a knife." He says, handing me the knife.

"Yeah, thanks to you." I lightly laughed.

"With some more practice you will have it down." He said gesturing to the tree and knife.

"Okay." I say and look at him with a small smile.

He was looking at me, and I looked down awkwardly. When I went to thank him again and tell him I was heading back to camp, he moved closer. I looked up at him confused and backed away. He moved closer once more and put his hands on my face.

"Tell me if you don't want this." He said lowly and kissed me passionately

We parted to catch our breaths. He placed his forehead on mine looking down at me. I looked up, looking in his eyes. We stayed like that for a minute, before I broke the silence.

"I want this." I say, feeling like I first did about him. All of my hate for Murphy is now gone.

"Good," He kisses me more slopily this time but still with passion.


- Is this a better chapter? Hoped ya'll  liked it! (Typing ya'll is weird but saying it is normal am I the only one that feels this way lol)

- Also I didn't know what to call this chapter so I was like Knife throwin... Yeah! 👌and went with it😂

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