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Lisa's eyes fluttered open due to the sunlight that shines through the gold curtains in front of her.

Lisa blushed instantly feeling the warm breath behind her neck and a strong arm wrapped around her waist. She can hear Jungkook's soft snores from behind making her blushed harder.

They both are wrapped in the gold silk blanket comfortably. Now, Lisa can clearly see the room. A red couch is placed below the window in front of her. The room is all about gold, red and royal-like design, a big gold chandelier hanging on the middle of the ceiling.

She took a quick glance at the clock on the wall.

8 a.m

Lisa yawned and tried to get out from Jungkook's tight grip to go wash up but Jungkook was already awake due to Lisa's yawn.

He's being an ass tightening his grip around Lisa's waist and pulled her even closer.

"Kookie, let me go, wake up, it's already morning", Lisa said groggily as she pulled away Jungkook's arm around her even though she low-key enjoyed the warmth of his hug.

"Why, we can just sleep all day, I'm sleepy, and I'm not letting you go", Jungkook said in his morning voice and closed eyes before turning Lisa over and pulled her face into his muscular chest making Lisa squeaks a little.

Lisa pulled her head out before saying,"Hello Mr. Jeon, doesn't mean you don't have work today, you can just stay on bed all day", Lisa said widening her eyes and furrowing her eyebrows before bopping his nose.

"I mean if it's with you, I don't mind staying in bed all day", Jungkook said blatantly before opening his eyes,"Good morning doll".

'Oh, how I miss this'.

Lisa is stunned by Jungkook's words making her froze in her place. Moreover, their faces are just inches away.

Bright red can be seen decorating Lisa's soft, squishy cheeks. And that's what Jungkook likes to see the most.

The time seems to stop and Jungkook slowly move her head towards Lisa's, eyes focused on her lips. Lisa is frozen and she didn't dare to move, letting Jungkook be and just closed her eyes.

It was peaceful, the sun shining on their skin, faint sound of birds chirping outside, Jungkook's hand on Lisa's cheek, caressing it softly.

Their lips are just a second away until..........

"JUNGKOOKIEE, WAKE THE FUCKING UP MY BOY, IT'S ALREADY MORNING, YOUR DAD IS WAITING TO HAVE BREAKFAST DOWNSTAIRS, COME GET THE FUCK OUT, I WANT TO SEE MY GIRL LISA!", a loud scream can be heard echoing from outside along with loud knocks on Jungkook's door.

Lisa got startled, she turned away realizing what almost happened and Jungkook just sighed before leaving a kiss on Lisa's forehead and got off the bed to open the door.


"So Kook, what are you planning to do today? ", Mr. Jeon asked while munching on his pancake.

Jungkook swallowed his food and replied,"Uhm, I actually have no idea dad, probably stay at home".

"What the fu-"

"Honey, not in front of my salad!"

"Okay, and what Jungkook? You came all the way here and just planned to stay home with your girlfriend? ", Mr. Jeon said.

"Yeah, your dad's right, you should take Lisa out and explore Busan, she's never been here before right", and now it's Mrs. Jeon's turn to speak.

"Uhm, okay, and yes I actually planned to take her out today, but I thought you guys would be mad at me for not spending time with you guys", Jungkook said stuffing another little piece of pancake into his mouth.

"Aish, no Kook, we both are heading to office after this, got some papers to work on, we won't be home until late night, no use for you and Lisa to stay home", his mom replied again.

Even though Jungkook's parents are reaching their 50s, they both are still a very hardworking partner, always helping and working together for the Jeon company.

Lisa just nodded at Mrs. Jeon's statement before continuing finishing her pancakes. She really can't believe she's going out for a date with Jungkook.


Jungkook's parents had already head to the office, so now, it's just Lisa and Jungkook.

Jungkook has already got ready before Lisa and now he's downstairs leaving Lisa for her turn to get ready.

Lisa is in trouble to choose her outfit for the date. She sighed before heading again into the walk in closet to choose another outfit.

She's really busy scrambling inside her bag on the small table and caused her phone to fell out from her hands.

"Aishhh, if only Kookie knows I dropped his 3000 dollars, I'll be dead I guess", Lisa sighed again and bends down to pick the phone before a small dusty frame in the last small cabinet caught her attention.

She reached out to take the frame out and the picture in the frame made Lisa gasped out loudly.

It's a picture of his brother, Bambam, with Jungkook and his friends? At the beach?

Okay, so now Lisa is beyond confused, she just really don't understand what's actually going in with Bambam and Jungkook.

'Did they know each other or what?, well Bambam never told me about Jungkook before', questions flooding Lisa's little head.

'But at least they seem happy in this picture, is this why Kookie cried at the beach yesterday?, but wait, when did Bambam even went to this bea-'.

"Doll, are you ready?", Jungkook can be heard from outside.

Lisa jumped in her place, startled, before replying," Oh! Yes Kookie! A few more minutes".

"Okay then, I'll wait for you downstairs okay", Jungkook replied again and faint steps can be heard before the sound disappear.

Lisa quickly threw the frame back into its place before rushing to pick her outfit and get ready.

She's super confused but she believes Jungkook has explanation for all of these weird connection between his brother and Jungkook.


Lisa came downstairs 15 minutes later to be greeted with the sight of Jungkook casually leaning on his car.

He's wearing a jean jacket with black shirt underneath paired with black pants and black boots.

But hey, surprise surprise.

Lisa wore the same exact outfit too.

She didn't expect they both would be matching on their first date.

They both are destined for each other.

"Huh, copying much doll? On our first date?", Jungkook asked with a smirk plastered on his face seeing Lisa walking out of the mansion.

"What?? N-no, I didn't see this coming", Lisa said entering the car with her flustered face as usual.

"Whatever you say sweet, now let's go, it's gonna be a long day today", Jungkook said chuckling before putting in his sunglasses and started driving out of the area.

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