The 911 call

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Finally they got phone service. Each of them tried calling 911. Connor was the only one able to get through. Kian and Jc's phones died, so they couldn't do anything.

911 operator: "911 emergency, what's your emergency?"

Connor: "hi. I'm stuck in the woods with my friends and we just saw a dead body, and screams after"

911 operator: "What is the location that you're at, sir?"

Connor: "idk. I just came here with my friends for a hike and we heard screaming, and went to see what it was."

911 operator: "Sir, what's your name?"

Connor: "Connor. Connor Franta"

911 operator: "Okay Connor, are you at the crime scene now?"

Connor: "No ma'am, we are near a lake"

911 operator: "Can you see boats or anything far away in the lake?"

Connor: "Yes, there's a sailboat a long ways away"

911 operator: "Okay Connor, we're sending out coast guard right now to come find you, If you see them, come out from hiding. But until then, you need to hide from whoever else is out there"

Connor: "Okay"

911 operator: "Did you see the killer at all, with what they're wearing, or any description?"

Connor: "No, we haven't seen them at all"

911 operator: "Okay, what are you and your friends wearing?"

Connor: "I'm wearing a blue plain shirt, and khaki shorts. My friend Jc is wearing a white tank top, with blue jeans. My friend Kian is wearing a white tide-ide shirt with black pants."

911 operator: "okay Connor, just keep calm, coast guard is almost there"

Connor: "okay."

911 operator: "we tracked your phone so we could find out where you are. Just remain calm and hidden"

Another scream happens

Connor: "Ma'am, another scream happened"

911 operator: "just stay calm, we have officers with coast guard and they'll search the woods when they arrive"

Jc, Kian, and Connor.Where stories live. Discover now