< Mentality 1 >

44 1 2

This story contains: 

Mild Language 

Tourette's-social anxiety-anxiety-depression-pyromania-IDD-AED-Insomnia and OCD 

Hope you like the story ❤️ ( and merry Christmas )


You snapped out your dream to be interrupted by your guitar alarm blaring. You let out a sigh and wiped your eyes. 

You/ To-

 You vocally ticked 

You/ Fuck shit!- too early...

You got out of bed to fix it with exactly 10 flips of the blankets. You took a shower for exactly 10 minuets. You changed into your favourite hoodie ( your choice ) and tied your hair up directly in the middle. You slipped your checkered vans on counting the black and white squares. 

You/ Exactlyyy...65 per shoe. 

You smirked and looked in the mirror making your smile fade away. You cried and had a tick throwing your head back. 

You/ Disgusting creature!!

You shouted at the mirror punching it right in the middle shattering it. 

You/ No.....no......no! 

You fell to your knees crying falling into a violent tick. You began shaking violently. You then felt a soft pair of arms around you twitching from your ticks.

???/ Shhhh.....it'll be okay. 

They rocked you making you less aggressive. 

You/ S-s-Serena ?

Serena/ It's okay. I'm here. 

Your younger sister rocked you. 

Serena/ Fuck Shit! 

Her ticks set off some of yours. 

You/ I'm- I'm glad you here

Serena/ I mean- 

She threw her head back.

Serena/ I mean we're sisters. We're  alike, but mother doesn't like u- me. She also has a plan. 

You/ What plan? 

Serena/ She's taking us to the Mangroff Centre. 

You/ The-The mental hospital? 

Serena/ Yeah. Dad had an argument with her, but ended up agreeing with her some how?

You/ Did he.....when? 

Serena/ Tomo- Today. 

You/ Today? 

Serena/ They planned this a time ago. They already have our slips and everything.

You threw your head back while she jerked her arm. 

Serena/ I'm not ready..

You/ Well we should leave this hellhole. 

Serena/ That sounds nice.

You both got up, cleaned yourselves and went downstairs. You arrived down to your mother at her desk busy as usual and your father eating breakfast. 

Dad/ Good morning angels! 

You/ Morning...

Dad/ I'm guessing Serena told you already? 

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