Zach Herron+ Concert + Jonah Marais

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Backstory: you arrive to a concert and Jonah can't stop winking and eyeing you down. After the concert you became friends. And then fans come and reveal some interesting things. 

Warning; Language. Sad a little.


You tapped the wheel impatiently and looked around a bit sweaty. The light finally turned green and you struck the stubborn gas pedal and the stone grey Bugatti drove by the cars. You softly turned into a parking lot filled with groups of friends and fan girls/ boys. 

You sighed trying to look for a spot ignoring the people pointing at your car and the turning faces and confused looks. 

" Is there no parking spots?! " you spit out in angry confusion. You then spot your friends standing directly in a spot, posed sassy with her hand on her hip and her leg strutted out.

" Reaaaalllllly Serena? " you mouthed out with a hysterical sarcastic question. She nodded and rose one eye brow. She then walked away from the spot smiling, but you rolled your eyes and parked. 

You finally parked sighing in defeat sitting there for a second. You then got you rose gold IPhoneX and your Gucci backpack and stepped out the car shutting your car door with a soft slam. You lock your car twice with a nice flash of gold lights and a small ' beep-beep '  sound. 

" You finally made it! Thought you'd be late. Guess not. " she said flinging around a envoploe quite obviously. She rolled her eyes quite a lot and is quite the sarcastic character. " Okay enough with the games. What's in the envoploe? " you asked quickly tired and inpatient. 

" Fiiiinnnneeeeee. Open it. " she exaggerated with a slight smirk and an eyebrow raise. You grabbed the peral white envelope and opened it. You eyes widened. 

" No fucking way Serena! " You shouted in excitement and took the to tickets and help the envolope. It was a 2 VIP limelight tickets. " I love you so much. " You said still shocked at what your bestie had just given you. " I mean it's your birthday and I am your best friend so it's something I could do- Oh and there is more. You'll have to wait after the concert. Anyways let's go in now before some crazy girls come and try to steal our spots. " She finished off nudging you and you hugged her and she hugged back. 

" Your- just. " You began to tear up. She just kept holding you. " Look. I may have bought you Why Don't We tickets AND VIP tickets, but i'm still your sister and you'll love me no matter what. I've always been there and will always be there. Oh and I need to tell you something- actually no. You'll have to wait. " she said walking away a little bit. " How dare you. Anyways let's go! " you said pulling her to you and holding her hand.

You walk in a special lane and hand the tickets in. You go to the front of the stage and wait they're arrival. 

" Please don't go on about how Eben likes you or something- "

You were interrupted as the lights dimmed as if you were in a movie.

You and Serena looked at each other and just were excited. It was they're 8 letters tour so about a few thousand other girls were there. They walked on and the room was filled with girl and a few boys screaming followed by your screaming. 

You danced and sang every word to the songs, but Jonah kept eyeing you down. Winking and looking over at you. He even managed to grab your hand and kiss it. You and Serena were all over the place, but the this happend. 

" Before we end this I would like to wish a very special girl a happy birthday named Cookies and Creame! I am glad that you were able to come! " Jonah said looking directly at you and smiling widely. 

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