This has the same warnings as the last part so be warned and don't forget.
He tucked her in and looked at her in a empathetic way.
Jonah/ Your already falling for some girl?
Zach/ Maybe...
Jonah/ We'll we will be here for some time so don't worry.
Jack/ My little bro be' getting girls!
Jack patted his chest making everyone smile a little and laugh as well.
Jack/ I mean they are pretty cute...
Corbyn/ We're not here to date.
Jack/ We'll I know that. We're here for obvious reasons.
Jonah/ We'll their eyes are grey...
You were rolled back into your room. You found the boys talking and Serena.....asleep?
You/ He-Hey boys!
They looked at you with a smile, but stopped as their jaws dropped.
You/ Is-is something wro-wrong?!
Jonah/ Your- your eyes...
You/ What- what about them?
You got up and the nurses left. You walked over to the tall mirror by the window and saw. You were just as shocked as they were.
Your eyes were a bright purple gradient.
You/ Wow- just wow. That's- that's new....
The room was in silence for a few seconds.
You/ R-
You physically ticked throwing your head back and your arm out.
You/ Right. Where- where did we leave off?
Jack/ Meeting eachother properly.
Zach/ We'll i'm Zach, Jacks little brother.
Jack/ Jack, Zachs older brother.
Daniel/ I'm Daniel.
He smiled at you showing his tooth gap making you smile at just how adorable he was. ( That made me smile thinking about him )
Corbyn/ I'm Corbyn or bean or Corbone.
Jonah/ And i'm Jonah.
He looked down at you smiling a little making you smile just a bit more at his beautiful features.
You/ Well I'm Y/N....that's Serena my little sister. Just- wow- our first day went well. Well....what are you here- guys here for? I know it's early and you hardly even know-
Jonah/ It's fine.
He interrupted you. But you didn't care.
Corbyn/ It's better if we sit.
You/ Okay...
You all sat on the couch.
Corbyn/ We'll...Buli- Bulimia and Anorexia.
You/ And you guys?
Jonah looked at Daniel, Zach and Jack.
Jonah/ We'll me and the rest are psychotic sociopaths.
You/ What really?!
Jonah/ No! I'm just kidding, but chronic insomnia, Pyromania, Seperation Anxiety, Depression, Hallucinations and visions.

~ Story Time ~
FanfictionAll my storied I write will mostly be on here. They are mostly about Why Don't We and my friends and I, but i'm always open for ideas. Mostly busy so yah. ❤️ Your loved my beanies. Just want you to know ❤️❤️