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It's been two days since we were rescued. We are all in Switzerland, now. I haven't slept, eaten, or spoken since our escape. I haven't been able to. Instead, I sit on the hotel bed with my knees to my chest, focussing on my breathing. I have something I want to say, but I have to work up the courage and the ability to say it.

Steve sits across from me, patiently waiting. I motioned him over nearly ten minutes ago, but he just sits there, holding my outstretched hand and brushing his thumb over my knuckles.

Finally, in hardly a whisper, I ask, "When can I see Bucky?"

Steve seems shocked that I actually spoke, but he recovers quickly, smiling sadly. "I think I can make that happen," he admits. "Bucky is with T'Challa, in Wakanda. He's been refrozen already, but I know T'Challa would be willing to take you there. But... I can't go with you."

I look up at him, suddenly scared again. Steve gently pulls me to him. "I have things to take care of still, but if you want to go, you can. I'll visit as soon as I can."

I think long and hard, before answering softly, "I'll go."

Steve nods, before getting up and walking to the door, pulling out a phone.

I go back to staring out the dark-tinted window. I'm still wearing the blue jumpsuit from the prison, with no socks or shoes. A blanket is wrapped around my shoulders, keeping the cold at bay. Since we are all in hiding, no one has been able to get fresh clothes for us escapees, though we have been able to shower and use the bathroom in private, which is a huge improvement.

"I have to warn you," I hear Steve saying from the hall. "She's a different girl than the one you met in Germany, or even in the prison a month ago. She's afraid... Unstable. Do you really think your sister can help her?"

3am that night, T'Challa's POV

As my ship, the Royal Talon Flyer, lands, I prepare myself for whatever I may see. Captain Rogers told me Ms. Barnes is different, but I have no idea just what has been done to her.

Well, I attempt to prepare myself. I am still stunned and speechless as I exit the ship and catch sight of her.

The barefoot teen huddled against the captain is bald, and much thinner than before. Her jumpsuit hangs off of her, accentuating her malnourished figure. She is shaking, as though cold, but it's a warm night, and her cheeks are sunken in. The worst part, however, is her eyes, filled completely with fear.

"You told me she was spunky, fierce," Okoye whispers in Xhosa.

"She was," I answer.

The other man steps forward, holding out a folder. I recognize him from the airport battle, as Clint Barton. Okoye takes it from him.

"This file tells everything they did to her," Clint sighs. "In... more detail than you could possibly want."

I nod acknowledgement, and the captain gently leads the girl forward, before kneeling beside her.

"Ree, they're going to take good care of you, ok?" he tells her softly, as though speaking to an injured animal. "They won't hurt you, they just want to keep you safe."

Realizing she is still afraid, I kneel beside her as well. "Ms. Barnes," I address, "Do you remember me?"

After a moment, she gives a small nod.

"I can take you to your brother," I continue. I hold a hand out to her, and she stares at it for a moment, considering.

Ms. Barnes suddenly throws her arms around the captain, surprising him. There are tears in his eyes, and at that moment I realize she is not just his friend's little sister. This girl means to him what Shuri means to me. She is nearly Shuri's age, and in great need of a friend. If anyone can help this girl, it is my sister.

Finally, Ms. Barnes releases the captain and takes my hand. Her hand shakes as she does so, but she doesn't let go until I have led her onto the ship and to a seat. She sits down, immediately pulling her knees to her chest.

Sighing, I take a seat a little ways away from her and open the file as Ayo begins to pilot us away. Okoye looks over my shoulder to read with me, gasping at the pictures and vivid descriptions of Ms. Barnes Hydra expiraments, and Senator Ross's psychological torture. No wonder the girl doesn't speak or even relax. She has been taught to expect pain for any spoken word or movement made. She can't stop shaking because she is extremely sleep deprived, and was drugged near daily for almost a month.

Ree's POV

In early morning, the ship seems to fly through a bubble, and then I see a metropolis of advanced technology surrounded by mountains. On a cliff overlooking the city is a giant statue of a black panther. For someone who's had most of her schooling in the 1940s, it's really intimidating.

We land before what must be the "palace", and an older woman and teen girl wait for us. The woman is in what appears to be traditional dress, while the teen wears a t-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes. They both stare at me, making me duck back behind T'Challa.

"So, you leave at midnight without a word, and return with an unknown foreigner," the older woman states. I can't tell if she's angry, disappointed, or what.

"Begging pardon, Mother, but she is known to me," T'Challa states evenly. "She is Maureen, the sister of Sergeant Barnes. Outside our borders, she will be hunted and persecuted, simply for protecting her brother."

T'Challa's mother sighs. "She may stay for the time being, son, but you must find a way to appease the elders. We've yet to learn just who will challenge you at the ceremony."

T'Challa gives a small bow. "Thank you, Mother."

Suddenly, the teen girl is peeking around T'Challa to see me.

"Hello," she greets cheerfully. "I'm T'Challa's sister, Shuri."

T'Challa gently pushes her back a little. "Give her some space, Shuri," he chides. "She is afraid." He whispers something to her that makes her eyes widen in shock.

Instead, Shuri glances me over. "Your feet must be burning on the concrete. Come, let's get you some fresh clothes." She holds out her hand to me.

Still shaking, I look up at T'Challa. He nods, and I slowly let Shuri take my hand. She leads me down many halls, until we're in her room, which is spacious and luxuriously furnished. She looks me over, then pulls out some clothes from her drawers.

"Here, Maureen, these should fit you," she smiles. "There's a bathroom there, if you want to shower."

Slowly, I nod, taking the clothes and heading for the other door.

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