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Batgirl nervously tapped on the large glass tube that a nearly naked Batman floated in, or should it be Bruce Wayne since he was not in costume at the moment? Batgirl was never quite sure which one to think of him as but since at the moment he was only covered in a black swimming trunk she preferred to think of him at this moment as Bruce Wayne. Seeing Batman in such a vulnerable light just made her feel nauseous.

"Are you sure he's okay?" She asked Alfred for about the hundredth time.

Alfred in perfect butler style was carefully preparing the damaged batsuit Batman had been wearing for destruction while laying out a new batsuit for when Bruce awoke from the treatment he was getting at that moment. "He's perfectly fine in there. As you can see he has a mask supplying him with breathable air while the highly oxygenated fluid he is immersed in helps to heal the damage that was done to him." Looking up from where he was working on a lower tier of the batcave he spotted batgirl tapping on the glass yet again. "Will you please stop that young lady? Did your parents never tell you not to tap on an aquarium? The fluid inside will magnify that noise you are doing and Master Bruce will wake with an even bigger headache that he probably has already."

Batgirl had the decency to jump back a little from the tube with a guilty look on her face. "Oops?"

Robin who was no less worried about Batman that Batgirl had been shook his head at her. "Batman almost did end up as fried batfish if the Joker's latest deathtrap hadn't failed. Thank heavens."

Alfred having finished with the costume preparation was walking back up to the higher level and paused next to the batmobile. "No need to thank the heavens Master Dick, thank the batmobile and its marvelous programming." Taking a cloth from his pocket Alfred wiped off an invisible speck of dust from its hood.

Batgirl allowed a brief grin to cross her face as mused that it seemed at times that Alfred lavished more attention of the batcave and its equipment than he did on the human occupants. If she were to mention such a thing she was sure the butler would either deny it or state the equipment needed looking after more as the human occupants could take care of themselves.

Her brief grin faded as Alfred climbed the stairs and joined her at the glass tube to look in on Bruce floating there. "Do you think the Joker has gotten his hands on Ivy and Harley yet?" She asked.

Robin leapt off the piece of equipment he had been lounging on and joined them. "I really can't understand why you are so concerned over those two. They are criminals you know?"

Batgirl glanced at him and then back to the glass tube. "Maybe but no one deserves what the Joker might do to them. Someone like Penguin or Riddler or even Mr. Freeze might harm someone, they might even go as far as kill someone but what the Joker might do? No one deserves that."

Robin reluctantly nodded his head. "But unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. Batman was the only one to find out where Harley and Ivy might have gone to build that portal thing and without that knowledge we would be just on a wild goose chase looking for them."

"We could go to the hospital and ask Penguin what he told Batman?" Batgirl hopefully offered.

Robin gave a snort. "Doubtful he will talk to us. Batman has that whole intimidation thing going for him. I doubt Penguin would be all that frightened of us."

"Besides, Penguin is recuperating from the Joker venom. Even having been given the cure it is likely the hospital has him on sedatives. That blasted toxin the Joker uses puts a horrendous strain on the human body."

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