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The door opened and Johnny came in. The first sight to greet him was Harley standing there with her shirt hanging open. Now Harley was slightly shorter than most women and it has been said that without her makeup she looks somewhat like an innocent little girl but one thing was for sure. Harley was a very well endowed woman. Johnny took one look and then blushing madly he forced his eyes up to stare several feet above Harley. Quickly he removed the white lab coat he had been wearing. He had put it on when Doctor Krantz assigned him to work with him for the rest of the day to help differentiate him from the other guards in Arkham. Quickly he handed the coat over to Harley to cover herself and looked away as the young woman slipped into the coat.

"Okay." Ivy thought to herself. "When Harley and I escape from Arkham, I've got to make sure that Johnny here doesn't get killed. He's been nothing but a gentleman to Harley so that's the least I can do." Ivy was a little surprised that she cared at all but chalked it up to Harley's blood in her making her care.

"What's happened?" Johnny asked in confusion. Looking around he spied Dr. Krantz dead body at his desk. Leaping back slightly from Harley he reached behind him and pulled out a stun gun. "Harley." He said sadly. "Why? The doctor only wanted to help you!"

"Whoa! Whoa! It wasn't us Whistler! I promise! You got to believe me! While me and Ivy were having the blood transfer thingy going, the nurse killed the doc!" Harley replied raising her hands defensively.

"And why would the nurse do something like that?" Johnny said unbelievingly.

"She was on the Joker's payroll. He paid her to kill Harley as soon as she got a chance." Ivy replied drawing Johnny's attention to her. Johnny couldn't help but notice that her shirt was hanging open as well. Once again Johnny forced himself to look at Ivy in the eyes.

Harley suddenly did a spinning side kick and knocked the stun gun out of his hands straight into Ivy's open hands. Johnny wasted no time and spun around to make a run for the door but was stopped as Harley grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him farther into the room and got to the door first and slammed and locked it in one fluid motion. Ivy tossed the stun gun back to Harley and made her way towards Johnny.

"Don't hurt him Red. He's really a nice guy."

Ivy shot a suspicious glance at Harley but then said. "I'm not going to hurt him… If he stays smart and doesn't do anything stupid." As she passed the rose mound she reached out and broke a portion of the vine off. The vine shifted and twisted in her hands as if it was a living snake. Harley could see the wicked looking thorns on it pulled back into the vine until it looked nothing more than a green piece of rope.

Johnny having looked over at the mound as Ivy got her vine from it could see the dead nurse's withered hand stuck out from it. He turned white as Ivy approached him with the piece of vine in her hand.

"Calm down Johnny. I told you that I'm not going to harm you and I wouldn't lie about that. Now turn around and place your hands behind your back." Ivy instructed him. She could see in his eyes that he was thinking of making a fight for it.

"Please Whistler." Harley begged him. "Just let her tie you up."

Johnny sighed. He knew he was no match for Poison Ivy. The fact that Ivy wasn't up to full strength from her body processing Harley's blood and at the moment they were actually evenly matched was unknown to him. Finally he turned around and placed his hands behind his back.

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