Chapter 1

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The day was foggy. It was like a thick blanket hung over the town. Everyone went about their daily business, going to work, going to the store, playing with friends in the yard. I have no idea how they were doing it, you could barely see 15 feet in front of you. I was walking my dog, and I was nearly home when it happened. Black. Everything went black, and everyone was screaming. It stayed like that for about 30 seconds, then it cleared up. I ran as fast as I could towards my house, I was shaking like crazy. Upon arriving, I slammed the door open, ran down the stairs, into my iron safe room. Before I made it, the air raid sirens started to blare. The speaker had broken years ago, so it had turned into an eerie wailing.

Slam I closed the door. My dog, Nero, a corgi, started whining and backing up into a corner. She was frantically looking around the room, as if there were tons of people inside. But there was just me. I turned on the computer, logged in, and opened up the security camera footage to see what was happening. People were frantically running into their houses, a few just dropped on the ground and started praying. The fog seemed to be glowing, but that was just the light from what was coming. A huge black swirling lump was giving off black light as it fell to the ground. On impact it turned into shadows on the ground, going into houses. As for the ones praying, the shadow seemed to merge with them.

I slammed the computer closed. I didn't want to know what happened next. I sad on the cold floor, staring at my hands. I was shaking like crazy, my head was spinning, and everything was blurry. Seconds later everything went black again, or I had passed out. Nevertheless the black soon faded and I stood up. I went over to the computer and sat down. Staring at it deciding whether to open it and see the aftermath. Coming to a decision, I open it. Darn it, static. Nero starts to whine at me, pawing my leg.

"Alright girl, calm down." I make my way to the emergency food stash, grabbing some goldfish. We eat a quarter of the box. What's my plan, die in here? Or go out and possibly die. I think for a second, and then pull my phone out of my pocket. My hands shake still, as I call 911. It rings for about a minuet.

"911, is it an emergency?" a male voice says at the end of the line.

"Oh, thank god. I'm in my safe room in my house, 1456 North James Street, Bandon, Oregon. Something happened . . . something fell from the sky, I have no idea what's going on. I need help." I shakily whisper into the phone.

"We have the U.S. armed forces on their way, I will alert them that you are there. Do not leave your safehouse"

"U.S. armed forces? Why are they here? Is it that bad?"

"This situation is to big for the police to handle, the residents of your town are . . . different"

"Ok, thank you" I breathe a sigh of relief "when will they arrive?" I ask

"it will be 24 hours until they arrive. Will you be ok until then?"

"Yeah . . . yeah I'll be fine, thanks" I press the hangup button, and stare at the wall. What did he mean, different? What did those shadows do? Should I go outside? No. I can't. He told me to stay inside . . . I look over at Nero who is sitting on the mattress on the floor, staring at me. I walked over and sat by her, staring at the opposite wall. The minutes felt like hours. I couldn't bear it, I got up and started grabbing anything useful. I found my grandfathers swat helmet, the one with the fiber glass eye protection, as well as the vest that goes with it. The drawer that the computer was on has lots of drawers, containing keys. I found the right pair of keys, and unlocked a drawer that contained silver bullets, I also picked up 6 other full magazines of bullets. That adds up to 56 bullets. I grab the handgun and put it in its holster. Grabbing a backpack, I fill it with food and water. Nero needs some protection too . . . I rummage through through the drawers, trying to find anything. Nothing. Nero is sleeping on the bed. We will leave after she gets up . . . The bed creaks beneath my weight as I sit down.

I stand up and grab the key to unlock the door to the safe room. Nero kept anxiously pacing around the room. Her paws made a rhythmic click clacking on the cold hard floor. A slow wave of anxiety slowly washed over me as the door became closer. Hands shaking I inserted the key into the hole, and turned it. Time seemed to come to a stop as I opened the door. A warm breeze hit my face as I stepped out, Nero close on my heels. The breeze stopped, causing me to tense up. I stepped out into the house, the windows were open, they had been closed earlier . . . I reached for my gun, and there was a thump on my left. I was frozen in place as I stared in the general area of the thump. Nero growled and started creeping forward. I tried to silently pick her up, but then there was footsteps, and Nero started barking. The footsteps gout faster and closer, I pulled out my gun and aimed where it would come around the corner.

My 5th grade teacher, or what used to be my 5th grade teacher, came around the corner and growled. The sight made my stomach lurch. Her face mouth hung wide open, the skin on her cheeks was split open, one of her eyes was torn out, the other one was rapidly twitching. Her throat was impaled by a giant black spike, her spine had grown large white spikes that broke through her skin. Her fingers and grown long, and spindly. One of the legs was twisted backwards, giving her a limp. I lifted the gun and shot her good eye right as she jumped at me. Her body collapsed on the ground with a thud. I couldn't do anything but stare, I just killed someone. More like something . . . The door to the safe room automatically locks . . . and the key is inside . . . shit. I'm probably going to die.


So, this is a story I am actually motivated to write. I hope you liked it?

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