Chapter 2

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(another chapter? i'm on fire! jk. My writing is going to shit. Next chapter will be better... If I write it...)

The door made a loud groaning noise as I pulled on it. Dammit, why did I do that. I step back and sit down. I look over at Nero as she runs around in circles, chasing a fly. Wish I didn't have to care about this, and just chase flies too. . . but I can't. Guess I will have to suffer through 24 hours of hell. A very horrific, heart attack, abandoned hell. What happened to everyone else? Was there anyone else not like my teacher? I was last in my thoughts for a while, but I was snapped out by a distant rumbling. I should probably get out of here soon, I think to myself. Time to start my way through hell. I let out a long sigh, and stand back up. My joints cracked as I did, but it sounded like gunshots. Damn I wish it wasn't so quiet. . .

"Alright, Nero. Lets go" Nero's' bottom is violently wiggling around, as an act of tail wagging. She looked like a dork, she tried walking away, still "wagging", but she just fell over with a little yelp. I couldn't help but smile at her. She is another reason to not have left the safe room. She could get hurt, or killed, or turned into one of those things. A tidal wave of dread hits me. I didn't know what I would do without her. I had gotten her when she was just a puppy, when she chewed on everything and peed everywhere. It was hard to break her habits, but we managed to do it. A loud, distant screeching broke me from my thoughts. Man, I think a lot. That was a really terrifying sounding screech though. I should probably start my chain of horrible decisions before I get trapped in here with another thing.

The atmosphere outside was the same as in the house. No breeze, eerily silent, and a lot of tension. Splendid. Tension. That means other things. Yay. Watch one knock over a trash can any second. Low and behold a trash can had been knocked over by a cat. Well, used to be cat. Its chest had a gash full of flowers across it's chest, with blackout eyes. You'd think with the stereotype of demons, pretty sure that is what these are, it would be a broken croaking meow. It was actually silky and smooth like it's black fur; Kind of terrifying sounding though, it was hollow.

Nero, being the dorky dog she was, flew after the cat, growling like crazy. I ran after her, trying to stop her. The cat launched itself at Nero, but Nero bit at its' neck and made it fall limp on the ground. Well that was anticlimactic. Just kidding it's alive again. Flowers bloom from the wounds in its' neck as it shakily stands up. A pang of guilt shot through my heart.

It launches itself at me and I pull out my pistol, not quite fast enough though. It lands on my breast plate, its nails clinging to me. This is going to be hard to shoot. I spend about 20 minutes trying to get it off. When I finally do, I hesitate on pulling the trigger. It's a cat for god's sake, but it's possessed; it would be best to put it out of its' misery. A loud bang sound out as I pull the trigger. The kick from the gun almost hits me in the face, I wasn't ready I guess. I stood still, holding my breath, listening for any more demons. Nope. No noises, but who knows if one is hiding behind a house. I left the gun drop to my side, let out a puff, and looked around. I'm still mad about being so dumb. I mean, c'mon, I got prepared for this, but I forgot the mother hugging key. Maybe I should just let them kill me... no. I can't, the armed forces are coming to find me. I don't want them to find my body mauled for some reason. If I survive I might be a hero.

Wait, if everyone has become demons, then they probably don't need food... I look at a truck down the street. Time to do what they do in movies, hijack a car. This lifts my spirit, I've always wanted to do this. The door is locked, so I use my gun to break the window, and unlock it. I hop into the car and get to the wiring. What wires did they use in the movies? I think it was the blue and red? Hopefully the car doesn't blow up... here we go... I put the wires together for a short second, nothing, I repeat that about four more times. On the fifth time it starts up and I let out a sigh.

"Come on girl, hop up" I say to Nero, and she happily obliges.

I put her in the passenger's seat and sit in the drivers side because dogs can't drive. Ok, where do I wanna go? Maybe... Arby's. Yes, that is a good place, it is also Nero's favorite place to eat. I hope there aren't a bunch of demon people there. What is demons possessed some of the food. Demon food. That would be no good. Speaking of demons, there are three of them just standing in the middle of the road. That's not weird at all, nope. Maybe we could just eat the goldfish I packed instead of passing those things. I stopped the truck and we all sat there for what seemed hours, when suddenly they snapped their heads in our direction. I slammed on the gas and ran them over, when I looked in the side view mirror, they were slow, but they followed up for a while. When they stopped running they let out an out of tune chorus of shrieking. Probably trying to let others know they found something, like raptors. Once they were out of sight, I let out a sigh of relief. But the thought of those demons calling others haunted me. That wasn't good.

We arrived at Arby's and no demons were there. Hooray! Hopefully the food had been demonized. That would be a disaster. My life would be over without food. We hop out of the truck, leaving it on just in case some demons showed up and we needed to leave. I'm being smart today. I pull out my gun as I push the door open, just in case. Nero waddles behind me. We walk to the counter, where there is food on a tray. It's probably bad now. Maybe. I'm not taking chance, fresh food is never a good sign. We go back into the kitchen, where everything was left on. Now I'm getting paranoid. I grab beef and cook it, throw it on a bun and eat it. I give Nero some cooked beef too. Time to go. Hey, I could probably get whatever from the store. Sweet. Shopping time. Me and Nero walk out of the Arby's and into the truck. The engine is still running, it is going to run out soon, but we can get gas or get a new car: I think as I drive off

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