Chapter 4

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Well, after I let out a big dramatic sigh, Tyler walks back up to me carrying blankets, and a dog bed. Why would a church have a dog bed? I'm so confused? Oh well, it is was it is. He set down the dog bed and Nero carefully steps on it.

"So, what's it like out there?" Tyler asks me.

"Well, everyone out there has been possessed, there are a bunch of running vehicles on the roads. Lucifer is probably still outside the church-"

"Wait, wait, wait... Lucifer? Like, Lucifer satan?"

"Yeah, it's really weird." I reply. I blush a little remembering what Lucifer said. He's Lucifer he's probably lying. Tyler looks a little pale.

"The Lucifer is standing outside?" He asks

"Unless he left" I reply. We sit in silence for a long time. During said long time, Nero waddles up to us, wanting attention. We both reach out to pet her, accidentally brushing hands. Fanfiction shit right here my dudes ,dudettes, either, and both. And guess what? I'm blushing. Please don't look at me, I don't want to give myself away... and he looked at me. What do I do. Tyler is blushing too. Oh my god was Lucifer telling the truth? We both lean back, looking away from each other. Does Nero somehow ship us?

"I... sorry" I mutter

"No, no, no. It's fine." he replies. There is another silence between us. The there is a bang towards the Altar. I jump up, grabbing my gun. An old, fat, man waddles out from behind it. He is wearing a priest's' outfit, I assume he is the priest of this church. I recognize that face from somewhere. Where do I know him? Whoever he is he looks shocked.

"Put that devilish thing away!" he shouts. I keep pointing it at him cause im a thug, a rebellious child. My life be like ooh aah. Look at me, I reference things inside my own head. I should probably pay attention to what the fuck im doing at the moment. Oh right, short fat priest yelling at me to put down my gun, right. He is now hella sweaty, and ew I can smell it. I drop the gun and step back a few steps to not smell as much stench.

"Please, I beg you. KIlling me isn't helpful." He cries

"Have you been outside in the past 3 hours?" I asked him, I studied psychology for a while, which means I have gotten pretty good at body language, but the demons had bizarre body language. So far normal, sweating, shaking, watery eyes, slight cower.

"No!," He shouts, "I've been in the back arranging things for the past 6 hours" I narrow my eyes and drop the gun to my side. He lets out a breath of relief and sits down, wiping his forehead. He should also be wiping the top of his head where there was a huge bald patch. Tyler stands up next to me.

"uh, dad if you didn't recognize him, this is Jacob. Jacob, my dad" He looks anxious, which makes me anxious as well. His dad begins to get angry and yell at me. "Dad, stop! He survived shouldn't that mean anything to you?". I think that was one of the worst things he could say at the moment. He looks over at him furious.

"Come to the backroom with me, Tyler" He says, venom dripping from his words. Tyler doesn't look so good, he's pale and shaking, tears forming in his eyes. This isn't good, I'm not letting him go back there.

"Excuse me, father dipshit, he will not go back there. Unless you wanna try anything with him or me," I lift my gun a little and drop it back down, "your choice." Tyler smiles a little and steps behind me. He has his color back, and is barely shaking. He has a look of shock in his eyes. He probably feels betrayed, since he's used to people doing as he says.

"You're a monster!" he shouts at me. I am level headed though, so i doesn't bother me at all.

"You want to see a monster? Go look in the mirror, asshole".

He growls at me and walks into the back of the church. I hate priests, they're all fake, it's so obvious. I don't know how people believe these assholes. They controverse themselves, it pisses me off. Now i'm going to change the subject to Tyler so I don't get too pissy. He started holding my hand. He started holding my hand. He started holding my hand. Oh my god how did I not notice? Calm down. His hand is warm, and soft. His face is red and he's trying not to smile, which is what I'm doing as well. Should I tell him? No, I should wait 'till later, especially after what just happened. I squeeze his hand and drag him over to sit down. We stare at the seats in front of us for a while, then he begins to speak.

"Hey, I ... uh, have something to tell you... please don't get mad at me..." He starts shaking a little.

"I promise I won't, I'm pretty chill about everything". He inhales and the exhales loudly.

"Well, I have had these ... feelings for a while. I love you, Jacob." His face is red and he's on the verge of tears. Well shit I could've told him earlier.

"I love you too." I say and kiss his cheek.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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