chapter 3

6 3 17

oh, look. an update.


Walmart. We went to Walmart. Bad idea. Demons know how to use Arby's doors, but not Sensor doors. I don't think the sensors can pick them up for some reason. They were all standing in front of the door, waiting to be let out: it looks really dumb, but somewhat ominous. I just want to get a blanket for god's sake. Should I let them out, and kill them? Or leave. I'm going to leave, that's the better decision. Might as well hijack another car. I see a green Jeep. yes. That's the car im stealing. Well, I guess it's actually borrowing. Whatever it is, I'm taking it. I look back at the building of demons, then at Nero.

"Bark if they are coming, ok?" I say to Nero. She gives a little boof in response. I'm going to take that as an ok. I try the door, and it's unlocked as well. Walmart idiots, they are gonna get robbed. By people like me in this unexpected apocalypse. This is stupid, why would I do this. At the end I should head back to my house, where the armed forces will find me. I think. I have no idea, maybe I should hang out at the schurch, demons can't get in there. I think so at least. Nero lets out a yip and I sit up, banging my head on the car. "Ow" I mutter. I look straight ahead where Nero is looking. Low and behold there stood a demon. I pull out my gun, and I fire. Sadly I have horrible aim, and I miss, which pisses it off. It charges at us, wailing. This motherfucker is tall, it is darker than black, and has pale white eyes that pierce into your soul. It has no mouth, so how did it wail? I have no idea. I fire three more shots, finally killing it. 52 bullets left. Damn I'm glad I had a lot of magazines. Now to finish hot wiring the car. I lay back down, and keep going. When I finally get the car going, Nero starts barking, this time I don't hit my head when I sit up.

Out of every demon I have seen, including the Walmart demons, this has to be the king. It stood about 10 feet tall, darker than black with piercing white eyes as well, had four giant wings, also black, giant spiraling horns going up, and a golden halo with thorns all around it. Should I drive, or would it catch me too fast... I'm going to drive out, but I must be fast. I hop in the car and Nero hops on my lap. I shut the door as quiet as I can. But car doors aren't very quiet, plus the engine is still going. It's head fwips around and stares. It just stands there staring, I try to avoid eye contact just in case it has some weird effect on me. Right, 30 seconds too long, time to go to the church. I slam into reverse, then into forwards and gas it. I look in the side view mirror, and guess what? It's following me. For a humanoid thing, it runs on four legs, and it's hella fast. The church is next to the Taco Bell, I think. I drive in the middle of the road since all the cars are on the sides. This is the fastest most anxiety inducing drive I have been on. Now it's jumping across cars, this is become movie shit. I should have a movie made about me.

I turn as fast as I can into the church parking lot, drifting for a while. I jump out, grab the backpack, and run. Nero is right on my heels, we are almost there, when I hear someone talk. It was actually something. The king of all, was talking. You would think it would be a horrible screeching, but it was actually silky smooth, and soft. It was actually comforting. I stop and turn around, it is half way through the parking lot just standing there. Talking to me.

"My child, come hither. I have not come to make fear, but peace. I can see how horrible these people are becoming, I want to make it better, that is why I have come. But I need help from thee." It spoke.

"What are you?" I shout.

"I am the fallen archangel, lucifer. I need to get into the church to get back to heaven to restore everything to a better state."

"Lucifer, huh? You are the snake, that uses his tongue to turn people against god, to fight for him." I say, pulling this out of my memory from sunday school.

"Please, those are lies-"

"Stop, stop, stop. No. No sympathy for the devil crap, I know wha-"

"Tyler." it interrupts me


"Thou are in love with him"

"H-how did you...?"

"He is inside the church, I can hear him, I can hear your thoughts. He has fallen for you as well."

"Thanks for that..." I turn around and walk into the church, letting Nero in. I pull out my gun just in case. I slowly push the next door open, and quietly step onto the carpet. No one is in here, it looks like. I slowly make my way towards the altar, holding my gun up. I am suddenly on the floor, staring at the ceiling when a face comes into view.

"Tyler?" I ask

"Jacob?" he asks back, "I'm so sorry, I thought you were possessed as well, since I couldn't really see your face..."

"Hey, it's fine," I pull off my helmet, "it is kinda hard to see who I am with this". He grabs my hand and pulls me up. Right after he does he hugs me. "Uhm, hi"

"Sorry, it's just. It's nice to see you are ok". He lets go of me, and steps back, looking me in the eye. I feel my face heating up, remembering what Lucifer said. I put my gun away, and set my helmet on one of the pews, letting out a nervous cough. Wow, go me, acting like a schoolgirl, or whatever fanfiction calls it. I rub my arm, even more fanfiction like, and stare at the ground.

"Do you want to sit down?" I ask, trying to break the silence.

" yeah, at the front there are blankets if you want one". He walks up to the front to grab some. My gay ass started checking him out from behind. I should tell him how I feel later. But that's later, and this is now. I sit down, letting out a sigh and start petting Nero. Stressful times.

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