chapter 1

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When I was walking out from my classroom I got a phone call from an unknown number


Annyeonghaseyo: a man sade in Korea( even though I lived my whole life in Korea I don't speak or understand Korean)

Hello, I don't speak Korean I only speak English: I answered a bit shy

Oh sorry, your brother is a part of a boy group here in Korean and they are going to debut next week. And we are having everyone's parents coming over to surprise them and I was wondering if you wanted to surprise him: the man Sade I think he is oppa's manager but I'm not sure

Sure when is the flight: I asked happy to hear my brother followed his dreams

Tomorrow at 3 pm so one of my workers will come and pick you up after school. And your Forster parents already know so don't worry about them

Alright, bye: I Sade before ending the call

After the call, I ran to my locker and took my jacket and backpack and went home to start packing

Time Skip

We were walking towards the check-in area at the airport when I got hungry. So after we had checked in we went to one of the restaurants and ordered food. I ordered the pasta. When I was done we went to the boarding passes and boarded the plain. 10 minutes after the plane took off I fell asleep

Sorry for my bad English
And this is my first time writing a story. So I know is not going to be perfect but I'm trying my best so please no hate

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