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A few days had passed since the duo had arrived in Seoul.

While Hyuna has spent the time site seeing and reviewing half the restaurants in the arena, Jihye had spent time catching up with Jaemin and everything that had been going on with their lives. She learnt of how the group was formed, his injury and how they were due to comeback any time now.

In all honestly , she couldn't help but be a little bit jealous of him. He'd had the balls to go out and get his dream and do what he wanted to do while she stayed within her comfort zone. That was the one thing she envied him for.

Which is why today of all days, she had decided to throw herself in at the deep-end.

Today was the day she was meeting all of nct.

"At least you're sober this time," Hyuna laughed out from her position on the bed, causing the younger girl to turn and throw a makeup brush at her.

"Not funny," she said, glaring at the girl.

"You know I'm joking and anyway that was only 6 of them, you're meeting three times that today so have fun with that one," she laughed out, grabbing the brush and placing it back in the side. " if I was about to meet my boyfriends 17 other band members I'd be freaking out"

"One you aren't helping and two he's not my boyfriend, not anymore" she spoke softly, focusing her attention on the straighteners that we're running through her hair.

"Well he could be if you stopped being so stubborn," Hyuna muttered out.

"I am not," Ji gasped in disbelief, putting her straighteners down.

"You are but you're too much of a bitch to admit it," she chuckled to herself.

"That's it I-" before Jihye had the chance to cause anymore damage, they were cut off by the ring of the bell. "I'm off, that'll be jaemin and this isn't over," she teased the older girl.

"GO MEET YOUR NEW FAMILY IN LAW" was the last thing Jihye heard before exiting the room, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Everything alright princess ?" Jaemin asked, noticing the slightly pissed off look on Jihye face that he had become accustomed to.

"Just peachy, now let's get going yeah ?" The boy nodded in response,reaching over and opening the car door for the girl before climbing into the drivers seat.

They drove for around five minutes in comfortable silence before pulling upto the dorms.

"Now," jaemin started. "I've got to warn you they're going to be all over you, they've heard a lot about you and they've wanted to meet you for a while now"

"Okay let's get going them," she sighed out, just wanting to get the day over and done with. Safe to say she was nervous as hell.

The stairwell upto the dorm seemed vaguely familiar to the girl from her drunken episode, yet not nearly enough for her to find her own way there. Which is why she followed behind Jaemin, keeping at least two paces apart.

By the time they'd reached the landing of the 3rd floor, Jaemin had pulled off to the side and reached for his keys. "You ready ?" He questioned, turning towards the girl slightly.

"As I'll ever be"

And with that, he turned his keys into the door, slowly shifting the handle.

The noise of the door thought hadn't been enough to capture the attention of the 17 boys sat in the living room, all of which were discussing what they thought Jihye would be like.

Jaemin chuckled slightly at the conversation, closing the door behind Jihye before turning to them and interrupting with a loud cough.

"Erm guys, I have someone I want you to meet," he said innocently, gently tugging the girl in front of him so all the boys could see her.

They all turned instantly, their mouths hung open in disbelief.

The silence that filled the room seemed to last forever, but then they all erupted into noise at the exact. Same. Time.






"GUYS!" Jaemin shouted, attempting to cut off the racket. "Maybe try one at a time yeah ?"

The boys went around all introducing themselves, before taeyong and doyoung spoke up. "Please can we snatch her for two minutes please thank you, come on cherub," they said, slowly prying her away from Jaemins side and towards the kitchen.

Before he even had the chance to say otherwise, the trip had landed in the kitchen, taeyong quickly gesturing for the girl to sit down.

"First of all I want to say sorry. I feel partly responsible for everything that happened seeing as though I'm kinda in charge but I'm also happy he found you, I haven't seen him this happy in years," the red head spoke quickly, trying his best not to stumble over his words.

"Yeah and if I had known what he had done I would've whooped his arse into next century," doyoung said bluntly from his side, causing the girl to chuckle slightly.

"But In all seriousness, I'm happy you two reconnected, as Taeyong said we haven't seen him this happy in years. It's nice seeing your kids happy," he sounded content as his voice oozed with sincerity.

Jihye couldn't help but smile at the boys words, finally feeling as though everything was complete in some kind of weird and twisted way.

The other boys welcomed her with open arms, all smothering her with attention. They remained in the dorm for about three hours getting accustomed with one another before jaemin pulled her off the the side.

"Think it's time i take you home princess," he whispered softly into her ear.

"Why ? Scared one of them might steal me," she replied in a teasing manner.

"Possibly, now let's get going," he said, pulling her into his side.

As they parted ways with the boys, jaemin held onto the girl a little tighter than usual, not wanting to let go just yet.

"Come on then," he said offering her a hand as they moved down the stairs and towards the garage where his car was parked.

The drive to Jihyes hotel was short but sweet. The soft music, almost sending the girl off to sleep. By the time they pulled up, she was nearly flat out.

Jaemin used this to his advantage and swept the girl up in his arms, carefully carrying her through the lobby and up towards her room.

He knocked softly on the door, waiting for Hyuna to open it. While waiting her couldn't help but admire the girls face and without realising it, he had leant in, softly placing a kiss on the side of her temple.

All the could Think was damn, he was so in love with this girl.

Drama time 🥰
You're all going to hate me

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