Hey Girly! I see Your Back and I love it. So in today's Chapter, We will be covering the Topic of friends. Yes, We are in the year 2018 going into 2019, so yes some of us still have that very contagious friend that we need to get rid of. So in today chapter, So I will do the normal Hacks-Facts-Tips. But Hey! Of course like always imma gonna show you how to get rid of that so-called friend and so you what kinda of friend you need!
First thing First WHAT is a Friend? So Yes most of us use this word very loosely. Like Yeah but no. Let's get this definition to the point of where most of us need to understand this my lovely! A friend can come at any time in your life but they're always there. For the up and downs there like a sister from another mother. A friend will know when something is wrong and will always support whenever you need and show that they care. A friend is a like a second outside family member. A friend is a person you need when you need someone to talk to. And Like Most, we all know that our friend is considered to be known as out RIDE OR DIE!
How Many Friends can YOU have? The average person really Only has 14-11. But Hey throw the rule book out the window. But Hey Some people may say you could never have too many friends. But It's always the type of friend you keep around! For example, the strip that people love to say "If your friend Jump off the cliff would you?" Like always Girly I got your back! Here are of List Of friends and the Role!- Good Or Bad!
List Of Friend
Best Friends: That is the GO TO FRIEND!-That is the friend you call before any friend! That is the friend you be PETTY with or Ask for advice-That Friend is basically your RIDE OR DIE. Yet They are non replaceable!
A Bestie: Just a friend that you talk to all the time besides your bestfriend. Yet they are replaceable!
A Gay friend: It's all in the name. To a girl: They dress way better than all your friend and they are so exciting to be around! Always the one to give the truth when ever when ever.
Average Friend: It's just a person that you know of and consider them as friends. Yet you talk to them when ever never all the time.
A Fake Friend: A friend you should never wanna be around. They wish for the worst for you.
A Bougie Friend: High Class and Bougie. And Your should never wanna take that friend to a low class place anywhere.
A Shy Friend: That one friend that never talk much.
A Work Friend: That's just the friend you go to work. And of course it stays work.
An Opposite Friend: That friend that you really don't like!
A Funny Friend: That bitch keeps you laughing!
A Wild Friend: Always ready for a party
-Hey, Which One Are YOU?-
Here is how to TELL if YOU Have a Fake Friend???...... She/He: Talk behind your back! Only want you for one thing. When other friends come around they are to busy hanging around with them and not you. You are indeed the last friend but suppose to be first. They wish for your down fault. They don't wanna be seen with you! They will always be Jelly of you!
Here is how to TELL if YOU Have a Real Friend???...... She/He: Always the real one! They will always be real with you. Give good advice. Never turn their back against you. Your friend will tell the truth!
-30 Things to DO within YOUR FriendShip-
*Have a Sleep Over
*Have a Best Friend Day
*Meet with Your Best Friend Family
*Make You Best Friend Mother YOU
*Have a Friends photoshoot
*Have a Your real friends in your wedding
*Have a movie Day
*Go on a road trip
*Go to a Concert
*Go on a bike ride
*Go hiking
*Bake a Pizza
*Write out Your life Plan
*Go to the Club
*Spa Day
*Movie Marathon Day at Home
*Go theft Shopping
* Jump off a cliff into the water
* Go Bungie Jumping
* Go to church Togather
* Go on a Cruise
* Go shopping for each other
* Work Out Togather
* Do Face Mask Togather
*Get Your nails Done
*Dye Your Hair
*Go to the theme Park
*Go to a football Game
*Plan a Bet_Happy New Year!
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