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Zane's pov
I just saw cole run off into his room I was worried cause I've been seeing him fading away a lot and I'm afraid he's going to fade away forever I walked up to his door and knocked no answer then I heard a conversation I pressed my ear against the door and listened
"No I'm not going to use my Dragon hybrid form for evil" Cole
"Yes you will or your friends will perish" mysterious voice
"No I won't not gonna happen". Cole
"Your persistent aren't ya I like that you could become very powerful you know" mysterious voice
"Leave me alone!" Cole
"Fine I will for now just you wait Brookstone once you fade away from existence you'll regret not doing it" mysterious voice
I can't believe what I just heard there's a voice inside of Coles head trying to get him to turn evil I had to tell everybody I ran off to tell them.
Coles pov
I hate that stupid voice in my head it drives me crazy I looked over to my desk drawer a picture of me and my dad stood there 'my dad' my dad was killed when he was at a parade for something someone set off bombs and seriously injured him I got to talk to him before he died I wish he was still here.
"It's your time to get revenge"

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