Turned evil

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"God dammit this stupid headache is getting on my nerves" I got up feeling pain in my head And my back I limped towards the kitchen to get some tea that's specifically meant for ghosts as I walked towards the tea cabinet the pain came back and even more painful than before I looked back and saw many black spikes along my back 'shit' "what did you do!" I yelled "I just decided that I'm not going to let you go off this easy so I'm making you transform" I hate that stupid voice, then another pain came across me I screamed In pain as I saw two huge grey wings with black webbing and then I noticed a tail that was grey and had black spikes had grown painfully from my spine then huge grey dragon horns I was scared I was being forced to transform into my dragon hybrid form to use for evil then I felt my eyes burn like hell I shut my eyes in pain when I opened them I looked in the mirror and they were black with red irises "amazing it's time to get revenge"

"Hey guys I'm sorry this kinda sucks

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