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Zane's pov
Coles been in his room for a while now I need to go check and see if he's okay I knocked on the door to his room "Cole you okay in there" I asked no answer "Cole open the door or I'm coming in" still no answer I backed up a bit and ran at the door and knocked it off it's hinges I looked around the room till I noticed a figure in the corner of the room, I placed my hand on Coles shoulder "Cole are you okay" I asked "Oh hello there zane I didn't expect to see you" he turned around he had red eyes grey dragon horns and wings and a tail with black spikes and black webbing on the wings he had sharp claws that replaced his fingernails and he had fangs replaced instead of his usual human teeth "Cole what happened to you" i was worried about him usually when he's in this form his eyes are yellow not red. I saw him grab his scythe "you know zane I never wanted to do this but I guess it's time to kill you that's what my master told me to do" he raised his scythe and tried to hit me I rolled out of the way and took out my shurikins our weapons clashed I noticed his eyes were changing from red to yellow 'he's trying to gain control' I quickly thought of what to do " I'm sorry about this cole" I knocked him out with one of my shurikins and took him and put him in one of the cages and locked it and went to get the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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