"I want you!"

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Takes place in Season 3

3rd person POV

Jughead walked into his trailer and turned on the lights, revealing a pretty pissed off Betty Cooper sitting on his couch watching TV.

Betty has been staying at Jugheads trailer after she escaped from the SOQM. He didn't want Betty being in the same house as Alice after what she did. His dad was in Toledo, spending lost time with Jellybean.

The reason Betty was so pissed is that every night since he got back to town he's been giving her the same excuse when he got home late.

"The serpents wanted me to stay late today. Sorry." Then he'd give her a kiss on her head and go to bed. But Betty being Betty, she started to investigate and she found out that he's been playing more and more G&G with not only Toni, Cheryl, Fangs and SweetPea, but Ethel also joined there little group.

"Hey betts, the serpents wanted-"

"You to stay late? Figures." She snapped. Jughead was surprised by her sudden behavior but he decided to shake it off.

"Yeah, sorry." He walked over to her and tried to kiss her head but she dodged it and kept ignoring him.

"Why the hell are you ignoring me so much?!" He asked as his anger was starting to show.

"Why are you still using the same damn excuse every single fucking night?" She asked calmly.

"I know your out playing G&G with not only your old group but Ethel as well." She then continued watching the TV. He snatched the TV controller and turned it off.

"The fact that your so pissed about me playing a stupid game, is showing me that your another one of those controlling girlfriends!"

"I'm not being controlling, jughead! I'm trying to protect you! In case you don't remember, this game killed four people! And I don't want you being the fifth!" She said as she got up.

"You want to protect me? Stop spying on everything I do, let me be with Ethel even if you hate her or even though she makes you jealous because guess what? She's my friend, more so than you right now!" He screamed.

Betty's eyes went wide. There was a silence before it was interrupted by Betty gagging and then her eyes loosing eye contact. Her body started to shake and it didn't take long before jughead realized..

She was having a seizure.

His eyes went wide as she fell to the ground, hitting her head against the wooden table. He ran directly to her side and quickly got his phone out of his pocket and called an ambulance.

"Betty! You're going to be ok! Please! I'm sorry!" He cried as he put his hand under her head only to find out that it was bleeding due to the hit. After a minute or so, her seizure stopped but she was out cold

As the ambulance arrived, they put her in a stretcher and took her away, not letting jughead in the back of the car due to medical reasons.

As he walked back into the trailer, he punched the wall, leaving a hole in it.

'I should've just left the stupid game, she wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me.' His thoughts started flowing in his head as the tears came out. He closed his eyes and slid down the wall. He then tried to fall asleep, which luckily he was successful.


An hour or so later Betty's eyes fluttered open. She looked at her surroundings and realized that she was in a hospital. When she looked at the side, she saw a nurse taking notes and changing the fluids.

"Excuse me, what happened?" Her voice was raspy and dry.

"Oh, Miss Cooper! You're awake!" She said as her attention was on me.

"You got into a fight with your boyfriend and the stress caused you another seizure." She explained as she got her notebook and took notes.

"Oh..." she sighed.

"He wants to see you now, is that ok?" She said as she opened the door getting ready to leave. She didn't respond as she looked away.

A few minutes later the door opened but Betty didn't look or see who it was because her back was facing the door.

But she already knew who it was.

"You can leave Jughead." She said as she looked over her shoulder and saw him in the doorway. His face was full of regret.

"I don't want to talk to you." She said as she faced her back again.

"And I'm not asking you to, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry, for everything."

She wasn't mad at him for the fact that he caused her a seizure, she was mad about the Ethel part.

"Why, though Jug? How could you say what you said about Ethel and me?" I said as I turned around and laid looking at him.

"I was mad, mad at myself, mad at you! Especially when you were right about that stupid game doing stuff to you're head. And it was pissing me off, so I took it off on you which I had no right to do." He explained sitting down on a chair that was next to her hospital bed.

"And Betty, as much as it pains me to say, you need someone who will be able to take care of you 24/7. That's something I can't do. So if you want a break or something I'll give it to you."

"Maybe it's what's best-" he then heard Betty laughing, but when he looked down at her she was shedding tears. She didn't want someone else. She wanted him.

"Really? You're really going to leave me after this? I don't fucking want someone who's going to take care of me jughead,"

"I want you!" Jugheads eyes went wide as she was now sobbing but laughing at the same time.

"Is that so hard for you to understand?!" She said as she looked at him with teary eyes. He couldn't say anything.

"You make mistakes, you're flawed. So what? I rather take all off you're mistake because all of you're flaws make me love you more each day." Betty explained as jughead looked at her with sorrow.

"I love you Jughead Jones. You understand that? You made a mistake and that's ok.. just try not to lash out on me." A small tear rolled down her cheek. He cupped her cheek and rubbed it with his thumb.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He leaned in and hugged her.

"I love you, Betty." He mumbled into her hair. She then smiled into his shoulder, and they didn't have another worry in the world.

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