10th step

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Jimin focus

Jin had pinpointed Saturdays as another good opportunity to find Choi at the club, so Jimin currently was preparing for another little show. Today's evening outfit was a way more frivolous one than the black tunica dress from the first encounter, and he checked himself nervously in the mirror. It was made of a silvery fabric, that felt like water woven into a solid texture, and was slung around his neck so that his back was completely bare and even a soft wind could cause his nipples to be on display, but from the hips down it covered him properly. Even the black heels vanished under the shiny fabric.

The fact that kept him in the bathroom and in front of the mirror was that he felt conscious about his muscular stature (and maybe that Jeon was on the other side of the door). The tunic dress with its long sleeves had hidden his muscles quite nicely, but this dress put everything about him that was eye-catchingly manly on display, so what if Choi did not like it?

"Jimin?" Jungkook's voice seeped through the door and made him jump in shock.

"What?" he asked a little more pissed than he had wanted to.

"Taehyung asks if you're ready," the younger said in a tone that bordered disinterest. It was maddening to live with the guy. The bumper slept in only his boxers and they had a damn shared bed. And every morning the muscle pig would do his push-ups in front of the sky-view window, and Jimin was so done with fighting down an erection every fucking time his roommate decided to randomly take off his clothes. But the worst was that the man did not even seem to notice his struggle. Jimin was just another pawn in the game which was not worth giving a second look, and Jimin hated it. If Jungkook would have done all this to tease him, he would have known how to act along, but the way it was now was simply maddening.

"Send him in," he demanded of the younger and turned back to the mirror.

A muffled hum could be heard from the other side of the door, then some shuffling, and finally the door opened, and a boxy smile flashed over his shoulder into the mirror.

"You look hot," was all the redhead said before a warm finger traced down the line of Jimin's spine and made him shudder violently.

"Fuck! Don't do that!" he snapped at the artist and turned around to look at the other directly.

The coffee eyes looked shocked and Taehyung's hands snapped up in surrender. "Sorry. Won't happen again."

"Go, shag your boyfriend," Jimin murmured frustrated and turned around to take another unsatisfied look at his bared shoulders and arms. Taehyung only mumbled incoherent words, so he decided to bring the man's attention to the important topic. "I look awful. Way too masculine."

The redhead's mumble stopped, and confused eyes looked at his reflection. "Why would you think that? Wait until I'm done with your makeup."

"This dress is shit," Jimin went on without listening. It should have been golden to match the club's atmosphere and the black heels looked terrible with it.


Taehyung's voice had gotten about an octave deeper, and all the useless thoughts that ran through Jimin's head suddenly evaporated.

"You're a man," the artist stated and pinned him down with his annoyed stare, "You have a six-pack, a flat breast and damn godly thighs. Every normal man would be jealous at your looks. And Choi is gay, for Jupiter's sake! He doesn't want a woman, he wants a dick in his bed, and you look fantastic. So, would you allow me to finish this masterpiece-" The crimson gestured at his whole body in a fluid motion of his hand. "-and proceed with tonight's plans?"

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