The Shadow Duelist

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Episode(s): 5 – 6

"Alexis, where are you going?" asked Rose as she noticed Alexis walking out of her room. Rose was going to her room after talking to some of the girls about an assignment for one of their classes.

"It'd nothing," said Alexis as she looked away.

"Alexis?" asked Rose as she walked up to her.

"It's just," started Alexis as she told Rose about her brother missing and how she was going to the abandon building.

"I'll go with you," said Rose, shocking Alexis.

"You don't have to!" said Alexis.

"No, but I know you need someone, and I don't mind being that someone," said Rose with a smile. Alexis smiled back at her and the two left.

The two girls walked to the abandon dorm, when they heard voices. The two girls walked toward the noise when Alexis stepped on a branch.

"Ahhh! SO, WHAT'S THAT!" screamed Chumley and Syrus. Jaden shined his light in the direction of the noise, only to see Alexis and Rose.

"Hi Rose, Alexis," said Jaden with a normal voice while Chumley jumped on his back and Syrus held onto his arm.

"Rose! Alexis! What are you two doing here?" asked Syrus.

"Funny, we should be asking you the same thing," said Alexis as the two girls walked to the boys.

"We heard about abounded dorm and wanted to check it out," said Jaden.

"Well that's not very intelligent," said Rose as she stared at the boys. "Kids have been disappearing around here."

"Oh, come on! That's just some urban myth," said Jaden with a smile.

"No, it's not. Believe me, I know," said Alexis. "Why else would they make this building completely forbidden?"

"If they catch you here, they will expel you," said Rose as she stood next to Jaden.

"Yeah, so why are the two of you here?" asked Jaden as he smirked at the girls.

"I have my reason, that's why!" yelled Alexis, scarring Jaden and Rose. Since Rose was next to her and not expecting it, she jumped into Jaden who grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him.

'She didn't have to scream,' thought Rose as she looked at her friend.

"Wow, Alexis. No need to snap," said Jaden as he let go of Rose, "We just came here to look around, but we will stay out of your way, don't worry about it."

"It's just that," started Alexis as she looked away. She then started to walk away as the others looked at her.

"It's just that, what?" asked Syrus.

"One of the kids who disappeared here, was my brother."

'Oh, that explains the rose,' though Jaden as he looked at the rose in front of the gates. 'But why is Rose here?'

"If Alexis' brother really disappeared, then the rumors aren't really rumors," said Syrus. "I say we go back, Jaden."

"Yeah, well, I say we go in!" said Jaden as he and Chumley started to walk in.

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