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Episode(s): 47

Rose was standing with Zane at the pier, looking out onto the ocean.

"I'm glad you're okay," said Zane to Rose as he looked forward. Rose scrunched up her face in annoyance.

"Okay? I was taken hostage by some clone of who I thought was our professor," complained Rose.

"Yeah, but things like that aren't the rare around here," said Zane with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up!" said Rose with a pout as she hit her friend on the shoulder. "I have to admit though, the fact that Banner was able to create a clone of himself is amazing! Imagine if it could be stable. All the people that it could help."

"And all the people who would go crazy."

"That is true," laughed Rose.

"Anyway," said Zane with a smile as he turned to Rose. She could see the amusement in his eyes. "Maybe you need a bodyguard."

"You think so?" said Rose with a smile. She then threw her hair over her shoulder and looked up. "I think I can take care of myself just fine. Even so, it's nice to know you care."

"Rosy, I'll miss you when I graduate from here," said Zane with a kind smile. Rose looked at the ocean with a light blush. Zane quickly looked forward.

"Uh, it looks like Atticus is back to normal," he said, trying to change the subject.

"If that's what you call normal," said Rose with a sweat drop as she remembered all the crazy things her friends' older brother has been up too. "I can't believe you two are best friends."

"He's like a leech you can't get off," he replied with a sigh.

"Poor Alexis," giggled Rose. Zane chuckled.

~The Next Day~

"He did what!" yelled Rose as she, Zane, Jaden, Bastion, Alexis, Chumley, and Syrus ran to the beach.

"He stole the spirit keys and left a note," said Syrus as they ran.

"I'm gonna kill the idiot," declared the girl as her light purple hair flared around her and het ocean blue eyes glared ahead.

"Why do I have a feeling that Atticus somehow is involved," said Alexis in anger.

"Because he's an idiot, too."

'They are pissed,' thought all the boys with sweat drops.

The group ran until they saw Chazz. He wore all the keys around his neck.

"There he is!" exclaimed Jaden.

"Joke's over! Give us the keys before I beat you! And I mean with my fist!" said Rose as she went to make a step forward. Luckily for Chazz, Zane held her back.

"Not yet," said Chazz, nervously.

"When then?" asked Alexis.

"When Rose and I duel! So, let's go!"

"Huh?" said Rose in shock. The others also looked on in shock.

"Why do you want to duel her?" asked Jaden.

"Because, I'm in love! Got it!" declared Chazz. "And Rose is, too! She just doesn't know it yet, but soon she will!"

"And how is that?" asked Jaden, Chumley, and Syrus. Zane, Alexis, and Bastion stared with their mouths open. Rose glared.

"Why the fuck do you think that?" yelled Rose.

"Because I told him so!" declared Atticus from where he was on the water. Everyone turned to look at him.

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