VS. Darkness

997 14 3

Episode(s): 29-30

"Just a moment there, Jaden," said Banner, causing everyone to turn and see Jaden about to eat his lunch. "I'm afraid your lunch will have to wait."

'Why is he eating in class?' thought Rose with a sweat drop.

"It seems Chancaler Shepard wants a word with you."

"Jaden, what did you do?" asked Syrus with a whiney voice.

"Maybe it's good, like an award!" said Jaden in excitement.

"Heh heh! No way!" said Chazz as he stood up, causing others to turn to him. "It's never good news with Sheppard. You are so busted!"

"Actually, Chazz, he wants to see you too!" said Banner with a smile on his face,

"He wha?" Chazz said as he looked at Banner in shock.

"And two others," continued Banner as if Chazz hadn't said anything and looked at the two unnamed students. "You, Bastion, and you, Rose."

"This doesn't sound good," said Jaden as he looked on in shock.

~A Few Minutes Later~

"Um, we're not going to make a run for it, Professor Banner, you don't have to escort us to Chancellor Sheppard's office," said Jaden in annoyance.

"Yes, I do," replied Banner. "You see, he wants to see me as well!"

"Well, well," said Crowler as he and Zane stopped in front of the other group in front of the door to the office. "Look at this convocation of students! Some of the best duelists in the school, I see."

'Here we go,' thought Rose and Zane as they looked at each other and then back at Crowler as he bent over to be in front of Jaden.

"Uh-oh! Which one of these is not like the other," he sang with a smile. "Clearly, someone here is a little bit lost."

"He is not. Chazz was invited!" said Jaden with a smile. 'I'm not as stupid as you think!'

"He means you!" yelled Chazz in response.

"Shall we go in?" asked Banner with a smile as he opened the door while the others followed him in.

~After An Explanation~

The group stood in front of the Chancellor in a row. Crowler, Zane, Jaden, Chazz, Rose, Bastion, and Banner. Jaden had tried to stand next to Rose, but Chazz had beaten him to it. Zane stood between Jaden and Crowler to prevent Crowler from doing anything to the younger student.

"Three sacred what cards?" asked Jaden in shock.

"Beasts," replied Sheppard as he turned around to look at the group. "And due to their immense power, their colossal might, they were hidden here."

"Sweet! Like, under someone's mattress or in a cookie jar?" asked Jaden as he put his hand to his chin to think.

"Hey! Let him finish!" said Chazz in annoyance.

"They're not in a cookie jar," said Sheppard with a smile. "They're actually much closer than you'd ever think. Right below you!"

Everyone gasped in shock.

"You see, this academy was built in part to protect the sacred beast cards. They were buried deep underground, their powers sealed safely away. After all, legend says if these cards ever see the light of day, terrible things will happen: buildings will crumble, light will fade, souls will fall, our world will be no more."

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