Chapter 4

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My heavy eyelids fluttered open. I slolwy looked around, feeling the constant poudning in my head. It was like someone was hitting my skull repeatedly, like a drum. I looked around in the empty room, my eyes slolwy adjusting to the darkness that surrounded me. I slolwy stood up, my legs shaking lightly from the effort. The back of my head was aching. I looked around, noticing the bars. I walked up to the cell door slolwy, trying my best not to collapse on the ground.

"Careful" I voice suddenly said from the shadows on the other side of the iron bars. I took a small step back in defense, clutching my mothers necklace close to my chest. A female stepped out of the shadows. She was tall and muscular, yet slender. With jet black hair that was cut in a boyish style and a piercing indigo gaze, that seemed to burn with emotion. I looked away from the captain as she took a step towards the bars. "We dont want you to pass out again, right?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest. I shot her a small glare.

"Why the hell would you care?" I asked, my voice as cold as ice. I could see how the Captain flinched ever so slightly. A small smirk then curled her lips and she leaned against the wall.

"I dont really care, I just want you to be awake when we reach The Island of the Dead" She said with a light shrug. I frowned slightly.

"The Island of the Dead doesn't exist, its a myth. A story. A made up place" I said and crossed my arms. Mostly to give myself some warmth. The Captain let out a small, cold laugh. With a maniacal tone to it.

"Its quite real, Victoria" she purred quietly. Her smirk boradened as she saw the explosion of rage in my eyes. I clutched my fists, trying to stay calm.

"Don't. Call. Me. That" I growled at her, quietly. She only shrugged, totally unfazed by my threatening tone.

"Should I call you princess instead?" She asked, a small smirk playing on her lips. I sighed quietly, rolling my eyes. "What? I dont know what else to call you" she said with a shrug "Dont blame me" she said.

"Call me Paige" I said after a moment of silence, leaning against a wall of the cell. The Captian tilted their head, her indigo eyes gleaming with something I couldn't recognize.

"I like princess more" She said with a light shrug, a smirk playing on her lips. I had the urge to punch her in the face, but I held myself back. I clutched my fists.

"Well, I dont want you to call me that" I growled at her. 

"And I dont really care, princess" The captian smirked broadly. I rolled my eyes, feeling the anger  flow trough my veins. I shot her a glare, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"What are you doing down here anyways?" I asked her. She shrugged a bit, leaning against the wall.

"Checking to see if you were still alive" She replied.

"Well, how generous of you. I thought you wanted me dead" I said, a bit teasefully. I saw how the Captain rolled her eyes.

"I dont want  you dead, but I dont care nor mind if you die" She explained and crossed her arms over her muscular chest. "All I need, is that necklace and a bit of your blood. Then, we can go our separate ways" She said, offering her hand to shake. "So what do you say, princess? Deal?" 

I looked down at her hand. It was an easy choice really, at least for me. I raised my gaze, meeting her piercing indigo eyes. "No" I said coldy, taking a step back. The captains eyes hardened.

"I guess we're doing this the hard way, then" She said, spunning around to walk away. But she stoped and glanced back at me "Welcome aboard, princess" She said, her voice cold with a lethal tone to it. She turned and walked down the dark corridor. I let out a sigh and sat down in the corner of the small cell, hugging my knees close to my chest. I closed my eyes, my necklace dangling from my neck. The capitans words echoed inside my mind. Welcome aboard. 

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