Chapter 5

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I lost my sense of time, feeling the waves beneath the ship rock back and forth, as if trying to make me fall asleep so I would never wake up. The thought was tempting, pulling at me, making my chest twist as I longed for that sweet cold darkness. But I hadn't come this far, get that taste of freedom, just to give in. I let out a sigh and held my mothers necklace close as I closed my eyes. No, the reaper would not drag me into the ground today. The sound of metal creaking made me crack one eye open, glancing at the dark headed female now standing in front of me. I held the growl threatening to escape my throat, realising that she wasn't that bastard captain, but could very well be her twin. Her bright blue eyes met mine, one of the things that differed. That, and the lack of muscle on her body and the wicked fire in her eyes. Jean.

"What do you want?" I asked, though it sounded more like a demand once the words slipped from me. I watched her closely, my hands clutching into fists as the anger boiled inside me. Jean held her hands up, showing she had come unarmed. Confusion rippled through me, and before I could ask she spoke.

"I don't want to fight, I simply came here to make sure you weren't dead" she met my eyes, her blue gaze not as bright and wild as Jaye's, but it was unbreaking, unfaltering.

"You're not the first, tell your bastard of a captain-"

"I didn't come here on Jaye's order, she thinks I'm sleeping upstairs in my cabin" Jean quickly added, leaning her body against the old, damaged bars of the bring.

I slowly leaned forward, staring up at the tall girl. "Why?" I asked simply. Why bother, checking in with a prisoner you only keep there because of some necklace.

"Whatever you may think of this crew, we're not all assholes. We seem like it, but we're all just lost souls who became blinded by gold and freedom until it was too late. Until this curse..." Jean explained and looked down at her palms, as if expecting to see a pair of chains hanging around her wrists. But there was nothing, only pale skin and scarred hands.

"Why does this have to do with my mother's necklace, why not leave me out of it?" I asked quietly, not finding it in my heart to care about what happened to them. Whatever happened, whatever they did. Some part of me blamed them, for doing this to themselves.

Jean sighed "What happened it's a long complicated story, and I'm not the right person to tell it I'm afraid." She spoke, tilting her head to the celing "But know this, we weren't the only monsters on this ship" she added, her voice turning bitter, cold. I bit my lip, watching her for a moment. My mother's locket became cold against my skin, weighed on my chest like a hand pressing the air out of my lungs slowly. I ignored the shiver that ran down, the realisation that echoed with it. I followed the pirate's gaze, towards the celing.

"Are the stars awake?" I found myself asking.

"Bright and shining as always. There is no better way to see them then here. Where it's just and endless ocean and sky, meeting at the horizon."

"I've only seen them from the castle rooftop, or from the streets of some port when I ran away. They seemed so dull, like the filthy city and crazed chatter beneath me robbed them of light"

Jean was silent for a moment, before her blue gaze landed on me. "Come on" she spoke and offered her hand, outstretched like I was a friend that needed a helping hand. I starred at her for a brief moment, confusion and doubt flashing in my dark eyes. The taller girl sighed "Do you want to see them or not?"

This time I didn't hesitate as I grabbed her hand, our damaged skin meeting, and pulled myself up. I emedietly let go and Jean didn't bother hiding how she rolled her eyes. Before I could react she grabbed my wrist and pulled me up on deck. The fresh air hit my face first, seeping into my lungs and cleaning them out. My chest rose and fell as I took a few deep breaths, only to have the air knocked out of me as I looked up, at the endless sea of stars greeting me. I stumbled up to the edge of the boat, grabbing the railing to keep my knees from giving out at the sight. The stars didn't end in the sky, their light reflected in the water. An ocean of stars.

"Told you it was the best place" Jean said, standing beside me and bracing her forearms on the railing.

"I- Jean" I began, trying to remember how to form words and sentences, how to speak properly. The amazement continued to fill me, my mind finally quiet after drowing in noise for an eternity. A clearing in the storm.

"You can thank me later" the pirate replied with a soft laugh. I couldn't help the smile that tugged my mouth upward. The smallest of smiles, but it was real. It hadn't been this real in a long time.

I turned around so my back was leaning at the railing, my gaze turned upwards at the mighty endless sky. The two girl's simply two specks in an infinite universe. "I really wish I can. And that I can say sorry" I breathed quietly. I saw her frown, but before Jean could even turn to me I knocked her unconcious, her body falling to the deck. I turned my eyes towards the crows nest and began to climb, the sun slowly rising in the horizon, saying a hello and a goodbye to the stars as they began to fade.

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