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I sigh,  yawning extravagantly as I walk through the streets with Olivia. She doesn't really notice, not with her nose stuck in the book that's due back at the library today. It's not even like she forgot to finish it or something, I think this might be her fourth time reading it.

Quickly, I guide Olivia away from the pole she just about walked into. "Hey Olivia, if you say you don't like people saying you're a loser, it's best not to walk into poles."

"Huh?" She glances up, looking amazed that there is actually a world outside her book. "Oh yeah, but I want to make sure I have this part down before we get to the library."

"We can always check it out again if you really need to read it that badly. For now, probably best to keep your eyes up."

Olivia groans, her upper lip pulled back as she shoots a light glare at me. "Nothing ever interesting happens in town. Someone realizes we're the people who haven't won a single Endercon competition for five years, laugh at us, and then we continue through town."

"Never know." I shrug, not looking entirely convinced with what I just said. "Anyway, just keep your eyes up. I'm pretty sure you would be like, ten times grumpier if you became concussed."

Olivia swats the book at me, grins playing on both our faces as I swiftly dodge. She just rolls her eyes at me, and begins to put the book away-


Both our heads swivel to the right, along with most other people on the street. A big boy with shabby black hair is stuck in a vegetable bin, panicked as he tries to desperately get out. And I'm slightly aware of the snickers coming from the building above.

"Jesse, don't get involved- Jesse!"

Olivia's cry falls on deaf ears as I run up to help him, feeling pity for the person. His legs, quite useless in the position they're in now, pump wildly to be of some help. His big arms trying to push him out, but man, he sure is stuck.

"Here, let me help." I grab his hand, my eyes catching the multiple holes littered across his green jacket.

We pull and pull, and only within a few seconds do I have to plant my feet differently. Using legs, back, and arms to try and pry this guy out of his situation. However, we don't get anywhere until Olivia decides to help. Getting behind the guy and pushing upwards on his back.

With a pop he flies out, the bin of vegetables falling to ground and letting its contents spill out. I let Olivia take care of that as I get up, offering a hand to the guy still on the ground and blinking confused.

"That was quite a jam you got yourself into." He clasps my hand, and it takes a lot of different muscles to help hoist him up. "How in the world did-"

"Well look who it is." I sigh, instantly recognizing the snobbish voice of Maya. And where she is, Aiden and that other nuisance, Gill, aren't too far behind.

I turn around, and there are the gang of jerks. Aiden just delighted to have someone to pick on. "So the big losers decide to help out fatty here, now all of you outcasts are together now!"

Maya huffs, smirking at us. "Where you belong quite frankly."

My eyes flicker over Olivia, already seeing her retreat back into her shell. Head lowered and biting her lip as she tries to become as small as possible.

"Shame really." Aiden strolls right up to me, and it's impossible not to recoil in disgust when his evil odor attacks me. "It took some thought on how to figure out how to get fatty into that thing, I would've enjoyed watching it for some few more minutes."

MCSM: 31 Day Oneshot Challenge (December)Where stories live. Discover now