Chapter 8 - Christmas Eve Eve (cont)

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Sitting at Minerva's desk, Hermione patiently awaited the arrival of Hughie Rattigan's father. She took in the opulent and ornate decor of the room, and nodded to the portraits of Head teachers past who seemed to be busying themselves doing nothing much.

Eventually - some twenty three minutes late Mr Rattigan bustled in. There was no apology for his tardiness, which immediately irritated the young witch.

"Good afternoon. Mr Rattigan is it?" She said, offering her hand, trying to mask her annoyance.

"It is. Where's Minerva McGonagall? I expected the organ grinder, not the monkey." Hermione's dander was up further by now caused by this greasy haired, over weight, piggy eyed moron.

"Head Teacher McGonagall was otherwise detained and asked me to meet you in her stead. I hope you will find that to be acceptable?"

"Well it'll have to be won't it love?"

Hermione seethed through gritted teeth. "I am Professor Granger and I attended your son when he became unwell...."

"I know who you are love" he spat back at her. "I know all about you and your loose morals. No less than I came to expect for a fucking Mudblood. You may think embarking on a sexual relationship with a schoolboy is acceptable but it certainly isn't in the eyes of the law and I'll see you in Azkaban for this! Did you think flashing an 'Order of Merlin' is an acceptable aphrodisiac for an impressionable 16 year old?"

Hermione paled at his lurid suggestion "I... I beg your pardon?"

"That's it love, you deny it. But my Hughie told me all about you and what you made him do. You should be taken out and flogged, you whore!" His face was contorted in rage as he spoke to her. So shocked at this allegation, Hermione couldn't actually believe what she was hearing.

"Mr Rattigan." She replied forcefully "How DARE you suggest that anything less than appropriate has happened between me and your son! I don't know where these sick ideas have come from but they are completely erroneous."

"So you're denying you had intercourse with my son?"

"YES!" Shouted Hermione almost laughing at the preposterousness of his suggestion. "Of course I'm denying it, you fucking imbecile! I don't know what tale your son has spun you but I can assure you there is not one Galleon of truth in it. Gobi!!" She shouted for the House Elf who appeared instantly. "Fetch Hughie Rattigan from Slytherin and Professor Snape IMMEDIATELY please." Gobi disappeared with a pop. Trying to regain her composure she turned back to Mr Rattigan. "And you can wait outside until they arrive!"

He puffed a bit, but decided not to argue and marched out of the office. Hermione breathed some gulps of air to stop herself from bursting into tears. Exactly five minutes later, Severus came into the office followed by Mr Rattigan Senior and Hughie who was looking particularly downcast. Severus immediately felt concerned when he saw her face but waited for her to explain what was happening.

"Thank you for coming Professor Snape." Trying to sound as professional as she could. "I would like you bear witness at the allegations Mr Rattigan here is... is making."

"Oh really?" He glared at Rattigan through hooded eyes "and what would those be?"

"Mr Rattigan is alleging that I have had sexual relations with his son."

"What?" Spat Severus, his hand twitching on his sheathed wand. 

Hermione nodded her head slightly. Mr Rattigan pulled Hughie to the front of him.  "Tell him son.  Tell him what you told me.  What I found wrote in your diary.  Tell him!"

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