Chapter 12 - An unexpected guest

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The snow started to fall steadily heavier with thick flakes carpeting an already white landscape. Where the small lakeside path met the one leading to the Forbidden Forrest, the snow on the trees obscured any real visibility beyond the tree line. Except a small light could be seen. It was feint and could easily be missed but Severus' sharp eyes could not be fooled.

"Did you see that?" He asked peering into the blackness "I'm sure I saw a light. It looks like the light from a torch rather than a wand though. Nobody should be in the Forbidden Forest now. Isn't there a small woodman's Bothy there somewhere?"

Hermione tried to adjust her eyes to the dark "Yes! There!" She exclaimed "I saw a flash."

"Do you have your wand?" Hermione nodded "Good, then keep it drawn" he too unsheathed his own. "Might be nothing but we'd better investigate."

"Ought we not get Hagrid or at least inform Minerva?"

Severus gave her a scathing look "Time they both fanny about deciding whose job it is to go and look, whomever or whatever it is may be long gone."

"Right come on then." She cast a silencio to stop their footsteps crunching in the snow and they moved stealthily towards the light.  As they got nearer the light got brighter and eventually they came across a small dilapidated wooden shack. It looked like it hadn't been used for many a year.  A broken piece of wood had been pulled crudely across the door frame in a vain effort to keep out the worst of the weather.  Hermione looked through the crack in the wooden panel and in the gloaming her eyes could just make out what looked like a small figure huddled in the corner.  Wand drawn, she cast a silent 'Alohamora' and the door fell to the ground and Severus moved into the hut.  The figure stirred slightly.

"Who are you?" Demanded Severus, pointing his wand at the moving bundle of rags "Show yourself! What are you doing here? This is private property."

The rags and body stirred again but made no move to reveal itself. Hermione pointed her wand at the dirty bundle and with a quick 'Aparecium Persona' the rags flew away to reveal a boy hunched up on his haunches and cowering in the corner.

"Hughie?" Said Hermione on recognising the boy. Slowly he looked up at her. He was truly a pathetic sight; his face was dirty and tear stained and a large angry bruise was swelling the side of his cheek. Lower down his body, dried blood was clearly visible through his thin, ripped shirt. He was shivering and his lips were blue with the cold. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"" he stammered through chattering teeth.

Hermione bent down to him and kindly placed her hand on his arm. He flinched at her touch. "Your father did this to you?" He nodded.

"He said I had brought shame on him and he didn't want me to be near him."

"So why didn't you come back to the castle?" Asked Severus who was watching from the corner of the shack, still with his wand drawn. "And why haven't you at least lit a fire or a warming charm?"

Hermione looked up at him and frowned. He raised his eyebrows in a 'what?' Motion.

Hughie started crying again. "I was told I.... I wasn't allowed back in the castle until New Year. And my father took my wand. He.... he... he said I wasn't good enough to be called a wizard so he took it. I didn't know where else to go....."

Hermione cast a warming charm over the boy and transfigured a handkerchief into a warm blanket which she wrapped around him. She turned to Severus. "We need to get him back to the castle and to the infirmary" she said holding the boy to her. "He needs medical attention." She then turned back to the boy. "How long have you been here?"

"I.... I'm not sure. Since yesterday I think"

Severus moved towards the boy and scooped him up. Although he was sixteen years old he had not filled out and wasn't tall so proved no real weight to the older wizard.

The trek back to the school was arduous due to the blizzarding conditions that made walking difficult and Severus cast a Patronus to call for some help. Hagrid was tasked to meet them.

"'Ermoine!" Shouted Hagrid, the half giant looming out of the darkness "Is that you there?"

"Yes!!" She shouted back, relieved to see her friend appear in the distance "Yes, we're over here!" He strolled over to her, not at all bothered by the thick snow creeping up the side of his boots.

"Alroight 'Ermoine? Professor Snape?" He said nodding to the two. "What 'ave we got 'ere?"

Severus handed the boy over to the larger and stronger man, happy to have relinquished his load that was growing heavier with each footstep. "This is a young Hogwart's Student. His name is Hughie Rattigan and he is in Slytherin House. He has had a disagreement with his father and now needs to be taken to the infirmary."

"Roighto" replied Hagrid, carrying the boy as if he weighed no more than a feather. "Minerva said she'll meet you there."

The boy was placed into bed and diagnostic charms were used to determine the extent of his injuries. Luckily they appeared to be mainly superficial but he had suffered from the early onset of hypothermia, and he was soon warmed and his cuts and bruises treated. A hearty meal was provided by the House Elves and before long he was sat in bed feeling much better.

Hermione, Severus and Minerva stood in the Headmistress' office discussing what was to be done with the boy.

"Well I've sent an owl to his father but as I expected he seems to have gone to ground and there's been no response" Said Minerva, her pince nez wobbling quite precariously on her nose.  "I've had to inform The Ministry of course and they are sending people from the Law Enforcement Department out to the boy's home to arrest the father.  They'll no doubt want to interview Hughie, but he should be allowed to rest today to recover from his ordeal.  I know what he did to you Hermione was unforgivable but he didn't deserve a beating.  I have to say I feel a little sorry for the boy; having to live with a father like that."

Hermione nodded "I agree.  He must've been scared for his life, poor lamb."

Severus sneered and grumbled, slightly under his breath "He probably got what he deserved..."

"Severus!" Said Hermione, turning on the Wizard, her eyes ablaze "That's an awful thing to say.  Nobody deserves to be treated like that.  He's just a young boy.  You take that back now!"

Severus held her gaze and scowled at her "He allowed his father to accuse you of rape!" He spat at her "Have you forgotten that. He clearly isn't too young to know what that meant.  He didn't give a fuck that you could've been thrown into Azkaban for a crime of which you were completely innocent! You seem to forget he stood back and allowed his father to slander your good name."

"He made a stupid mistake Severus!" She spat back at him "Didn't YOU once make a huge error of judgement when you were his age?  Just because you weren't forgiven doesn't mean no one else deserves forgiveness!!"  Severus paled at her words.  She was referring to Lily of course.  The time when he had called her a Mudblood and she had never spoken to him again.  Even as he held her dying body she had not been able to tell him she forgave him and it had haunted him to this day.  Hermione instantly regretted her words when she could see the pain etched on Severus' face.  She tried to touch his arm "I'm sorry" she said simply "I shouldn't have said that. I'm truly sorry..."

Severus pulled away roughly from her touch "Do not... Touch....Me!" He hissed back at her and with one final scathing glance swept out of the room.  Hermione burst into tears as soon as he'd left and Minerva, who was for once lost for words, could only hold the young witch and comfort her.

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