-Nothing, it's just the alcohol.-

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As I stepped into the lobby I searched for familiar faces. My eyes scanned the whole lobby and the busy bar that was on the left by the resting chairs that laid by the tall lamps.

"I'm going to my room, I've got some work to do. Let me take you to your room." William said as he approached me from behind.

"Nah, I'll stay here awhile." I answered.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. He waved me goodbye and left the lobby. I walked over to the bar slowly as I browsed through my phone.

"Emails, emails and emails." I said as I sighed.

"Would you like a drink." The bartender asked.

"No, it's alright." I said as I continued to browse through my phone. As I sat on the high stool and ran my fingers through my phone and the light on my mobile brightened up my face, it kinda made me feel even more lightheaded then I already feel.

"Sir, that's too much. It's already your 7th glass." Said the bartender to the person that sat a few stools away from me.

I never bothered and continued scrolling through my inbox.

"Hey! I'm paying. Do you know... know who am I?" Replied the voice.

"People these days can be so addictive..." I said softly as I turned to my shoulder to see the person that said so.

"Dylan!" I said as I saw him sitting there with his head on his hands.

"Dylan... what are you... doing?" I said as I sat next to him and as the bartender sighed and walked away.

"Umm... I..." He said as he tried to lift his head up.

His collar was unbuttoned and his hair hung from his head while his sleeves were folded up. He looked messy and tired but mostly troubled.

"Emma, why are you here?" He asked as he was about to sip more alcohol.

"I just wanted to." I said as I took the glass away from him.

"Oh..., I see." He said as he smirked without looking at me.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked as I pat his shoulder and stared right at his face now buried in his arms.

"Nothing, it's just the alcohol." He answered as he pushed my hand away from him.

My heart sank.

How rude.


"Let me walk you to your room." I said to him as he struggled to walk out the bar without even allowing me to help him.

He said nothing but avoided me and walked ahead.

"Dylan... wait!" I said as I followed him. He stopped walking and slowly turned around.

"Emma, I'm alright! Just... just leave me alone." He said as looked at me.

His eyes were cursing my name, they were reluctant to look right at me. His face that always glowed when I was around now is just dull and sad.

My heart sank even more now. Just as he started to walk away again he turned around again and said, "Please just call me Mr. Park."

  I stood there feeling helpless, I stood there feeling deceived but most of all I stood there feeling completely like a looser.

This man, he tried. He tried to make me smile when I felt unhappy, he tried to make feel comforted when I was lonely and lost and he tried to brighten up my day when it was dark and gloomy. 

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