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Hoseok POV

"what do you mean" I stood at the door. Both our eyes were puffy and red and both our voices had been cracking. "what do you think I mean, I didn't lead you on as some sick cruel joke. I had a crush on you and I acted on it, only to be pushed away. I fell onto Jimin, who I'd been trying to break away from, but he just used me. To him I was a joke, but you weren't to me. I thought that if I tried hard enough I could like Jimin not you but it was impossible. I've ben thinking about what I've done to you, and this is my answer. I've made you into something you are not. You have become a shell, just bones and skin all because of me. There fore I understand if you do not want my apologie," he was beginning to sob "but...just...know...that....you mean......something.....to..me" I looked at him. He was apologetic and I could see it but before I could take him back, the world went black

5 hours later

I woke up bright lights in front of me. I couldn't figure out where I was or what I was doing here. I sat up to get a better look of my surrounding when I saw a blur of mint to me side. Slowly my mind pieced what had happened together. Yoongi had came, they had talked (about what he couldn't remember), then he passed out. I hadn't eaten in a week so that was probably why. The all of a sudden it came to me. I sat up in a frenzy, anxious to talk to Yoongi about our situation. However a pair of hands soon forcefully laid me on a pillow, it was Seokjin. I had been so focused on Yoongi that I didn't see that everyone was here. It was cramped, 6 people in the hospital room, but they seemed comfortable. Jin got up to talk to a doctor, who nodded as if giving Seokjin approval. Then he stormed over and began to scream "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF. HOSEOK ARE YOU THICK IN THE HEAD. SERIOUSLY I AM DEFLETED. I TREAT YOU LIKE MY OWN FAMILY, IN FACT YOU ARE TO BE HONEST" He was on the verge of tears when Namjoon grabbed his hand "what Jinnie-hyung is trying to say is, we wish you would've told us and we could've done something about it" Jungkook was looking nervously at his feet and Tae had his head buried into Jungkook's shoulder. They really did look cute together. I wished I had that kind of relationship with someone. Then I remembered that potential someone was in the room, "hey guys, can I have some privacy. They all nodded and began to walk out, Yoongi too. "wait not you Yoongi" he stopped in his steps and turned around "we need to talk" I stated. "yes we do, do you remember what we talked about last night" he asked, he looked and sounded scared. "um yeah and I realise I never replied to your apology" his eyes lit up and he looked so cute "I am willing to forgive you although, I don't really need to. I should be apologising for assuming you'd do something so horrible and cruel to me" he pulled me into a hug "but I need to know, Yoongi, where do we go from here" he didn't move but instead mumbled into my shoulder "date me, be mine, don't let me loose you," he took his head out of my shoulder "Jung Hoseok, will you be my boy friend" That's when I heard a shrill shriek from outside. It sounded similar to Seokjin's. I swang myself out of bed, ripping out my drip and IV to see what had happened

All I could see was Seokjin hyperventilating whilst the others stood, almost pissing themselves. They were being escorted out by hospital staff, "sir, you caused a commotion in the ward, we have no choice" the nurse said to Namjoon "piss off" he replied in English, the nurse just looked blank. That didn't help as they all began laughing again. "excuse me miss," I asked a young nurse "what happened?" she laughed slightly and said "they were lounging outside that room there and took a look in, then the handsome one began to scream while the others laughed" she was pointing at Hoseok's room, ughhhhhh sometimes his Hyung could be a drama queen. I walked back into I room and explained to Yoongi. I added that I was planning on getting discharged later. he nodded in approval. "hey Hobi, you never answered my question" it took me a few moments to realise what question he was talking about. But instead of answering I pulled him into a kiss that seemed to last a life time


whoa jin's a mood lmao

I had my jabs today and I had a panic attack and a mental breakdown in front of all the girls in my year yay


Yeet ya l8r lads

amu out xoxo

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