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Reiny's eyes opened, looking around she found herself in her room, she didn't know why she had woken up, it really wasn't like her to wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. Reiny suddenly felt a chill, it make her spine tingle and her neck hairs stand up, there was something wrong, she listened closely to the outside world. There was no sound, it was silent, not even a simple snore to comfort Reiny in her time of panic.

The silence was cut by a loud, shrill scream, Reiny realized that the scream was close, it was coming from inside her house. Reiny's eyes went wide and she threw open the door and ran into the small hallway. There was a fire, and a huge one at that, Reiny was surprised she didn't even smell it. 

Reiny ran into her parents bedroom, what she saw shocked her, they were on their bed, the fire was surrounding them, Reiny realized there was no way they would make it out, it seems that they came to the same conclusion, their eye's met for a second, Reiny opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when she felt someone grab her from behind. She struggled but it was useless, who, or whatever it was, was much stronger then her, then suddenly, everything went black.

(Time Skip, Five Days.) 

"What do we do with her? She's been out for many days, I think she's in a coma, whatever you did to her, it sure put her out." A female voice said, it was muffled, Reiny had woken up, she found herself in a strange room...

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