green stone 2 part 7

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Chapter 7: The broken dragon

"Pick him up and let's go." the leader said

Tatsou then tried to breathe fire on the net but it didn't do anything to it.

"You won't burn threw that it's fireproof so just sit there and relax." the leader said

"Up we go." a man said as he picked up the net

"Next up go to the boy's house and see if the dragon is there." the leader said

"Right." some of them said as they got in a vehicle and drove off

"Please don't be there." Tatsou said to himself

They put Tatsou in a vehicle and drive a different location.

"Attention all citizens we have caught the dragon and you will all be safe again." the leader said

"Hey do you why you haven't seen anyone like you it's b/c we get to take them and that's that." a man said

"Where do they go?" Tatsou asked

"Not my jurisdiction so I don't know." the man said

All they heard out was people cheering.

"They're cheering for you to disappear like the others did before you." the man said

The other men got to Flame's house but everything was gone.

"Sir there's nothing there everything is gone." the man said over the radio

"What do you mean?" the leader asked

"Everything is gone." he said back

"Great." the leader said as they got to their base

They took Tatsou out and brung into a room chained him up arms above his head legs chained down and his wings were not even touched.

"Alright I want you to answer some questions for me." the leader said

"Why?" Tatsou asked

"First question where are they?" the leader said

"Don't know." Tatsou answered back

"Pull." the leader said

A man came over and pulled on his wing.

"Urg." Tatsou mounded

"Will you answer?" the leader asked

"Like I said I don't know." Tatsou said

"Pull." the leader said

The man pulled again but harder.

"Where are they!" the leader yelled

"Even if I did know I won't tell you!" Tatsou yelled back

"Pull." the leader said

"But sir if I pull his wing any more it will break." the man said

"I said pull." the leader said

"Alright." the man said as he pulled his wing again

"ahhhhhhhhhh" Tatsou yelled as his wing broke

"Good enough better get ready to talk tomorrow." the leader said as he walked away and the other guy followed behind

"It hurts." Tatsou said as he was crying

He looked up at the chains that was on a hook then looked at his other wing.

"That might work." Tatsou said as he used his other wing to sort of fly up

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