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New day, new chapter, new beginnings. Moving away from Dyer High was such a stressful feeling, I'm not really a socializing person, I head over to the principal's office to get myself settled in. I roam around the halls avoiding asking someone where his office is, as I find it I knock on the door, a tall yet very slim, brown hair, ocean- blue eyed lady answers, she seems to be in around her late 40's, her glasses are on the bridge of her nose slightly covering her mesmerising eyes, she's wearing a formal white top and a navy blue pencil skirt that really complimented her body.

"You must be Luna James, principal Davis will see you now" She strides in front of me directing me to his office, she knocks the door twice, opens it, and lets principal Davis know I've arrived.

"Come in, come in" I hear him directing me to enter his office, I walk slowly but surely into his office, I took a glimpse at the room, the walls were an ugly shade of beige, lots of books scattered in the shelves, his desk filled with paper works and files, behind him I noticed was the student file drawer, there were two leather brown colored chairs, and I took a seat in one of them

"Welcome to Crestmont Preparatory High School, here is your class schedule" he hands me a paper with all my classes of the week, I take a quick glance at them as he hands me another paper that's small "This is your locker number and combination, some classes are upstairs, some are down, others are in the west wing and a couple are in the east wing, if you need anything else don't be afraid to come to me and ask for help, or any student for that matter" he smiles from ear to ear, I show a crooked smile and stand up

"Thank you sir" I say and pace my way out of the room as fast as I could.

As I'm walking looking for my locker, I hear the bell for the second class to start, I finally find my locker, I struggle to open it, suddenly I feel someone touching my shoulder, I turn around to face a slightly taller guy, with perfect jaw structure, gorgeous emerald green eyes, brown curly hair

"Let me help you with that" he said adding a slight chuckle, I moved out of his way, as he opened it I grabbed my Chemistry book because that's where I was heading to next, he peeks at my book "Oh hey I have Chem next as well, I'm Pietro by the way" he held out his hand in order for me to shake it

I show a small grin, shake his hand "Luna" I say, avoiding much talk with him, I shut my locker and make my way to class, even though i have no clue where it is

"Uh it's this way" I hear him say from behind

I long pause, turn around in the most casual yet very uncool way and walk the opposite direction

"Wait for me" I hear him jogging to catch up to me, "You're awfully fast" he says, I try to avoid eye contact by keeping my eyes on the floor and simply nod, "And you don't seem to talk much" he added

"And you don't seem to understand how to give someone personal space" I say counting walking

"I just wanted to help"

I ignore him and make my way to the classroom.

As I get home, I am greeted by my dad, my mom would be here too except she passed when I was just 10 years old, so my dad took care of my younger sister and brother, Alexis, who is 13, and Rainer who is 7, Rainer was only a couple of months old when she passed.

"How was your first day of school?" My dad asked acting curious

"It was fine, nothing entertaining" I replied

"No new friends? Or are you not planning on making on any?"

"It's still the first day, but this boy helped me open my locker and showed me my way to my Chemistry class, I had to find the rest of my classes on my own"

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