Chapter 12

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"Mortimer" His name slips out of my mouth, "The leader of the Odium Alien Pack." We're left staring at each other for a couple of seconds before he stood up from his chair, he was fairly tall with a very slim figure. He slowly began walking towards me, unintentionally, I walked backwards away from him until my back hit a wall, my eyes were locked with his, he grabbed my chin with his index finger, his finger was oddly cold.

"Luna James." His broad, low voice frightened me. I shove his finger away from my chin.

"What did you to them?" My voice was trembly, I tried to take quick breaths to help me relax but it didn't very much work.

"Relax Miss James. They're both okay and will remain safe." He told me.

"I don't believe you." I couldn't trust him

"They are safe and will stay that way. If you do as I say." 

I stood in my place, my eyes staring at the floor thinking of what to say next. "What if I don't do as you say." I spit out the words.

"If you disregard what I tell you.. I'll just say. Your friends will be executed in the worst way possible. And so will their parents. They will all watch each other suffer and get tortured until they all die." He aggressively slams his hand on the wall to help him lean over me and stare deeper into my eyes. I gulp in fear. I wanted Juniper and Ace to be safe, their parents too. "I'll take you to see them, then I'll send you back to Earth, you'll have a couple of days to make up an excuse for your family as to why you have to move across the world, as well as prepare yourself to become my servant for as long as I need you." I nod in response just so I can get away from him. I get out of his way and try to run out the tunnel, until I was stopped by two ginormous body builders who seemed to be his bodyguards. I turn back and face Mortimer, I take a big gulp and nod my head in agreement, I guess I really didn't have a choice. At least I get to see Juniper and Ace again. Mortimer roughly grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside of the tunnel, we transported to a dark room. The lights turned on one by one, we walked across the hall, what felt like eternity walking through. As we make it to the end of the hall, we approach a corner with a tiny door that led to a small room, in there I see both Juniper and Ace on the floor, Juniper hugged her knees to her chest and stared at the floor, meanwhile Ace was laying down and playing with a ball. As soon as they heard the door open, they looked up to me and without hesitation we all ran to hug each other.

"You're okay" Juniper whispers in relief to me

"I'm okay.. kind of" I whisper back, I turn my head back towards the door and clear my throat as an expression for them to close the door and leave us alone.

One of Mortimer's guards shut the door and I begin to explain what Mortimer has planned for me to do to save them and their parents.

"What? That's ridiculous!" Juniper says 

I nod in agreement

"Can he actually make you?" Ace asks


"No. No way, we'll get you out of this" Ace adds

"How? You two and your parents are gonna be in danger. I'd rather I work for him than have him hurt you four."

"I don't care. We're gonna find a way. But for now, until we find a plan, do as he says. What are you gonna tell your dad?"

"I'll figure it out, you guys just make a plan and let me know when you do have one."

The door opens 

"Move it" Mortimer says hostilely 

I get up and wave goodbye as I walk out, back in the hallway Mortimer says to me "You have 24 hours to get everything you need, and come up with an excuse for your dad." Before I get the chance to talk back, he transports me back to Earth. I land on my butt on the floor.

"I need to learn how to deal with that so I don't keep landing on my butt" I say to myself, I notice he sent me back to the airport where the telephone booth was, I come out from behind of the airport, it was still night-time. I didn't have my phone on me so I didn't know what time it was, I realized I couldn't call anyone to come and pick me up. I sigh loudly and walk my way back home. While walking back I tried to come up with reasons why I have to leave Indiana for God knows how long, it had started to rain heavily. "Really?" I say to myself annoyedly. It was still surreal to me how I got myself in this mess, but I love and care about Ace and Juniper, I know they'd do the same for me. Besides, how long does Mortimer really need me before he gets bored of me? By then Ace and Juniper would've come up with a plan to save the three of us and their parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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