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Rehearsing for the play, Pietro decided to come and watch us.

"We'll take it from Act 1 scene 7, Maria, Anita, Tony let's go" Mr. Lockwood calls Juniper, Ace and I "And... Action!"
I was in a smock, fake hand-sewing a wedding veil, while Juniper was whirling in whipping off my smock

"She's gone!" Juniper says dramatically "The old bag of bruja has gone!"

"Bravo! I respond

"The day is over, the jail is open, home we go!"

"You go, querida, I will lock up."

"Finish tomorrow. Come!"

"But I am in no hurry."

"I am. I'm going to take a bubble bath all during supper: Black Orchid."

"You will not eat?"

"After the rumble- with 'Nardo"

I continue fake sewing but with more anger "That rumble, why do they have it?"
"You saw how they dance: like they have to get rid of something, quick. That's how they fight."
"To get rid of what?"

"Too much feeling. And they get rid of it: after a fight, that brother of yours is so healthy! Definitely: Black Orchid."

Ace makes a knock sound from backstage then walks on stage "Buenas noches!"

"You go, querida, I will lock up." I tell Juniper, then I say to Ace "It's too early for noches. Buenas tardes"

Ace bows then says "Gracias. Buenas tardes"

"He just came to deliver Aspirin" I tell Juniper

"You'll need it" she replied

"No, we're out of the world" Ace says

"You're out of your heads" Juniper replies

"We're twelve feet in the air" he replies

I then take his hand gently "Anita can see all that." I look to Juniper and say "You will not tell?"

"Tell what? How can I hear what goes on twelve feet over my head?" Then Juniper fakes open a door, turns to me and says "You better be home in fifteen minutes" and goes offstage

Ace says "Don't worry. She likes us!"

"But she is worried" I say as Ace grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him

"She's foolish. We're untouchable; we are in the air; we have magic!" he gently says to me

"Magic is also evil and black"

Ace leans closer to me face and kisses me softly. I kiss back confused, that's not in the script.

I pull away "Are you going to that rumble?"

"No." he says still holding me

I back away a little bit so he's no longer holding me "Yes."


"You must go and stop it."

"I have stopped it! It's only a fist fight. 'Nardo won't get-"

"Any fight is not good for us." I start pacing around the stage

"Everything is good for us and we are good for everything."

"Listen and hear me. You must go and stop it." I stop pacing

"Then I will."

"Can you?"

"You don't even want a fist fight? There won't be any fight."

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