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Life has pushed me around, knocked me down, and messed me up. Guess you can say it made its mark when it made me build a wall. I like to think of this "wall" to be more like a bulletproof glass box. I'm like a mime, trapped in something no one else can see. This box still being tough but seeming like it's not even there. You would have to look real close to see it, or maybe even touch it just to leave a smudge. All your attempts to break it down would be fetal though, it won't budge.

He changed that though, he was able to move the box. He pushed this box into an ocean and the water would slowly sink in. The water not even close to breaking the glass but accepting its presence and slipping right past it. The water slowly filling the box.

I wanted to embrace the water, but I also wanted to run from it. The water scared me, terrified me.

My box was sinking deeper into the ocean and the water didn't stop leaking in. I didn't want my box sinking too deep, but I was helpless against it going deeper.

I want to fight it, I want the box to go back to land. I know that won't happen. I accepted the fact that I was sinking but I was not drowning. At least not yet.

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