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The birds sang their songs outside of my window. The sun shined bright as my alarm clock screeched. Its obnoxious sound reminding me I had to attend school for another soul-sucking day. At least I get to see my friends; they make my day bearable.

I take off my sleep mask and put my bunny slippers on that my grandma gave me for Easter. I walk to my alarm clock and scream at it to shut up before turning it off. My alarm clock is loud because I'm a heavy sleeper, which is annoying seconds after you wake up.

I walk over to my full body length mirror and give my motivational quote for the day ", you look like crap. You totally will get through this day though." Ahh fresh motivation, it's really inspiring.

I drag myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I'm finished I walk out somehow managing to trip over the door frame and fall on the floor. "Why?!" Seconds later I answer my own question after standing up and realizing I can't read the posters on my wall. I turn and go to the bathroom and put my contacts on.

"Oh, look you look less like crap, good for you Abril." Now that I can actually see, I don't look like a blurry mess in the mirror. I walk to my closet grab my track bag and school bag and walk downstairs to eat a healthy breakfast... not, an apple and a granola bar as a snack for me.

I walk to school, stretching as much as I can, I work out right when I get to school. I am technically still in my pajamas but it's just tights and a shirt so I see no reason to change into a different pair of tights and a shirt. Once I arrive at school I go to my assigned locker in the locker room and put my slippers in, switching them out for socks and running shoes. I stretch some more before making my way to the track to run a mile. I'm exhilarated about it because it's not weights day, which is both physically and emotionally draining.

I run the mile which is honestly the best part of every day. Running helps clear my mind and keep me fit, it's a win-win. I love the feeling of the wind blowing against my sun-kissed skin, going through my tight curls, and the motion of one leg following the other. Running at such a high speed, I finish my mile in 8 minutes. I conquered my mile and stretch a little more before going back to the locker room to take a shower, well more of a rinse off of sweat because I don't trust school showers. I change from the soaked bathing suit (yes I did bring a bathing suit to rinse off in), into the outfit I brought; a jean skirt, a white hoodie, and my favorite pair of black high top chucks.

I put the bathing suit into my locker making sure to hang it so it dries off a little and place my slippers in a plastic bag. I picked up my running shoes and put them back into the locker. I finally eat my apple and granola bar and walk to my actual locker. Stuffing my track bag into the bottom half of my locker and taking out my textbook for math class.

I make my way towards the library dreading the moment I had to start my essay. Walking into the library exhaustion comes over me from my mile. Sitting down at a computer and I put my textbook down and start typing my essay. I arrive at school fairly early, leaving me plenty of time to finish this measly paragraph and the work cited page. I lose my train of thought halfway through, leading me to stare at the words on the screen hoping they start writing themselves. My phone buzzes, pulling me out of my trance. Before I could open the text I felt a warm arm placing itself around my shoulder.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hey August," I move his arm off my shoulder ", I'm trying to finish my essay so don't distract me okay?"

"Abril we both know you aren't doing your essay," August says as he looks into my eyes. I mean he's right I wasn't when he came in, but I'm going to prove him wrong. So I fake laugh.

"Me not doing my work? Ha ha ha, we both know I AM doing the essay," as I say this I turn back to the computer and start typing random words because I don't know what else to write. I'm just hoping August doesn't read what I'm writing because it's utter bull.

He leans in closer to the computer and reads the words, I knew I was screwed.

He looks at me and chuckles. "So you're telling me that Jay Gatsby rode a boat to America in order to find gold to bring back to England? That sounds rather Christopher Columbus to me don't you think?"

"Wipe that grin off your face," I say solely because I hated him for being right.

"You know you love me,". Sure, I do, but not in the way you think.

"Love you? Ha, you've been canceled since you actually read my paper to see if I was writing."

"Oh wow I'm so hurt cause I've never been canceled by you," he says sarcastically. Finishing his performance with the same smirk I told him to wipe off his face.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and turn away from him and delete the bull sentence I wrote before I forget to do so. Still not knowing what to write I open the text from before hoping something will come to me. I see the text was from August telling me to do my essay and I roll my eyes. "You know you didn't have to text me this if you were already in here?"

"Yes, I did because it's a second reminder to, get this, DO your ESSAY!"

I roll my eyes. "Fine, I'll actually do my essay."

He smiles ", Good."

I look at the essay then let my head fall onto the keyboard while I sigh.

"Having trouble there?" I hear August ask right before I turn my head to look at him.

"No, I'm just embracing how beautiful these keys are," cue the fake smile. This line is awarded a chuckle and him lifting my head from off the keyboard.

"How about you complete the work cit..." he starts but I interrupt him.

"How do you know I didn't do the work cited page. Maybe I did do it."

"Did you?" he asks with one eyebrow raised.

I sigh and respond in a quiet voice", no."

He chuckles ", well then as I was saying how about you start with the work cited page then come back to the last paragraph."

"I guess I could do that," I say voice getting quiet because I feel stupid for not thinking about that. August smile then takes my phone while I do the work cited. He was taking a whole bunch of photos, I was sure of that because he does it every time. I would have to get rid of half of them later because I don't have enough storage for that. Of course, I wouldn't delete the bleeders.

August's advice helped cause when I was finished with the work cited an idea for the last paragraph popped into my head and I finished the paragraph right as the bell rang and I submitted it.

"See Princesa aren't I always right," August says as he gets up and puts his bag on. Princesa= princess in Spanish.

I smirk then say "Yeah I guess you are right most of the time, Crystal." Crystal= August's hated middle name.

I was walking away when I said that and then I felt as if I was being picked up because I was. He had picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN AUGUST!" I exclaim while punching his back.

"Are you sorry?"


"You were being mean to me so no," he says this and starts walking to my class with me still over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN!" More punches towards his back followed by silence on his end. "I'll throw up on you." More silence. I sigh and say ", I, Abril Michelle Young, am sorry for using such a dreaded name. I shall not say it again," yes I will ", for it would be an extreme act of disrespect towards August Danger Hill." August puts me down and hands me my math book.

"Thank you for reciting the middle name apology. Good day madam," August resites with a bow and a small smirk on his lips. He had me learn this apology by heart because I use his middle name way too often as a joke. It never ends well for me but it's fun to bug August. Most of the time it ends with him tickling me, but that's when we aren't at school.

"Good day," I walk into my classroom so he can't attack me ", Crystal," I smirk, tip an invisible hat, and walk to my seat. When I sit down I see him flick the bird and walk to his homeroom class that was right next door.

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