New Kid on the Block -1-

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I woke up from a loud voice coming from the exterior of our house. As if someone was hitting something with a heavy hammer. It was also Saturday, so I was extremely mad due to the fact that someone had the audacity to interrupt my precious sleep. I mean school is pretty tiring.

Using my last 3 braincells I thought it'd be good idea to head downstairs for breakfast. I sat on the table with my eyes half-closed still listening to that loud and annoying sound. "Mom?" I yelled. 

My mom walked up to me from the living room with a very confused look on her face. "Why are you up this early?" 

"Do I even need to answer?" I told her while pointing outside.

"Oh yeah, about that, there's a new family that just moved in and they're putting things to their places." 

"New neighbours? Talk about drama." I rolled my eyes. 

"Don't say that, they might be good people." she tried to convince herself.

I shrugged and made myself a good breakfast to start the day. I tried collecting every ounce of energy I could get in order to survive homework. I always had this strategy, studying as early as I can in order to be free for the rest of the weekend. 

There are, of course, days when I won't study at all. I don't make the rules, I follow 'em.

After I had finished my breakfast, I went back upstairs to study but first I lifted up the shutter to let some light come in and bless my eyes. I opened the curtains as well and sat quietly down to study for school.

Little did I know, someone was staring at me from my window. My last 3 braincells were late to discover that, but in the end, after feeling like someone was stalking me, I looked out the window and saw a young man with messy dirty-blonde hair.

This guy was on his window that was located opposite to mine and was smiling softly at me. At first I was embarrassed because I was wearing my dad's hoodie and a pair of leggings underneath, meaning I looked rough. I smiled back by peaking my head and sat back down to my chair.

Five minutes later, I couldn't focus on my work and decided to check out the window one more time. 

This time, the guy was on his balcony looking around, but perhaps felt my eyes laying on him and spotted me right away. I blushed and tried to cover myself by putting the curtain in front of me.

I bit my bottom lip and summed all the courage I needed to introduce myself to him. I got up and fixed my hair a little by looking at a small mirror above my desk and moved slowly towards the window. 

I looked outside and didn't notice him anywhere. "Shit." I mumbled. "I can't do anything right, can I?"

I sat back on my chair and finished up my homework quietly, regretting my life decisions. 


Around 7pm our doorbell rang as we were enjoying a good movie on TV as a family. My dad got up to answer and came across 5 people holding a mint coloured box with a pretty white bow tied on top. "Hello, we're your new neighbours!" said happily a woman.

My mom, my 14year old brother and I made our way in front of the door to greet our new neighbours. I noticed that the guy from the morning was also between them, staring at me with his piercing eyes.

"Is it a bad time to visit?" the woman asked right after her previous sentence.

"No, not at all, come in it's cold outside." said my mom and made a gesture to them to come inside. 

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