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Jimin's POV

Y/N and I entered her room and she showed me a collection of musical instruments she inherited from her late grandma, a talented underground musician.

"How come you've never told me about your passion before?" I asked her.

"I thought you'd make fun of me for wanting to become an artist." she shrugged and grabbed a guitar.

"What's so funny about it?" 

"I have no clue." she shrugged. "When were you planning on telling me?" 

I shook my head gesturing that I didn't know as a response. 

She looked down at the guitar and started playing a familiar song. She executed the first lyrics perfectly with a soft but powerful voice paired with the sweet melody of the musical instrument and it was as if I had entered heaven. 

I continued the song and a warm and proud smile appeared on my supportive girlfriend's face. 

Once I had started I couldn't stop singing and staring at her being this talented musician already. I felt so proud of us.

Y/N's mom peaked her head from the crack of the door and admired us singing and having fun together. After our little performance she applaud us and bowed respectfully. "Amazing!"

"Thank you." I bowed and looked at Y/N. 

"I didn't know you could sing Jimin." 

"He can also dance!" yelled Y/N and I blushed.

"Wow you're very talented, like my baby." she praised both of us.

"Would you like to perform something else for me so I can record it?" 

"You're g-going to f-film us?" Y/N asked frightened.

"Yes! It's worth it." 

"Sure." she finally agreed and started playing the guitar again.

I grabbed my rusty guitar as well but couldn't perform properly so I quickly switched with one from Y/N's collection.

We harmonized to a popular song that required various vocal ranges but we managed to pull it off successfully and was caught on video as proof that we had potential.

Y/N's mom was our number one fan and cheered for us at the end of every song to the point where I felt overwhelmed. "Your brother is gonna love it Y/N!"

"He's gonna make fun of me so bad." she rolled her eyes and the landed on mine. 

We locked eyes for a second and she gave me motivation and inspiration. "I want to write my own songs." I said and took them by surprise.

"Do it." my baby motivated me.

I smiled and felt a sense of euphoria rush through me.

The moment interrupted a phone call from my younger sister. "What do you want?" I asked.

"All I'm gonna say is dad is looking for you and thinks you ran away." 

"He what?!" 

"I told him you're at Y/N's but thinks you're planning on running away to achieve some dream of yours, I don't know man." 

"Yerin, please tell me you're lying."

"Dude I'm not." she insisted. "He's coming over, gotta go save the day."

"Yerin-" I managed to say but she quickly hung up.

I face-palmed hard from frustration and an aggressive knock echoed from the ground floor. "Shit he's here."

"Who's here?" Y/N's mom asked.

"His dad." Y/N answered instead of me.

"He doesn't support you, does he?" she figured.

"Nope." I shook my head and waited for the end.

Another more aggressive knock was heard coming from the door accompanied with a ring from the bell.

"I have an idea." said Y/N's mom. 

Y/N and I looked at each other in confusion and noticed her mom pressing a few buttons on her phone as if she was...texting? Sending something?

"Don't tell me-" I began to say but the sound of a message being sent came from her phone. 

"It's the only way they'll understand." she said and showed me her messages to my parents.

"They're gonna kill me." I felt tears form.

"I'm so sorry Jimin." 

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have told them. I should have done what my dad wanted."

"Don't ever say that again!" Y/N yelled and landed a kiss on my lips. "You proved to him this way that you know what you want and that you're a man. You're independent."

"Am I?" I felt a tear slide on my cheek and wiped it away quickly.

"Real men cry." said Y/N's mom and handed me tissues.

It had been minutes since the message was sent to my dad containing a video of me and Y/N singing a medley of songs and there wasn't not even a sign of noise outside.

I figured he had left mad and would fight with me later. I was desperate.

We decided to go downstairs to the door and I would open it to see whether he was still here or not.

I took a deep breath and opened the door revealing my dad on his knees crying watching the video. "Dad!" I shouted uncontrollably.

"Son." he said through his sobs and held onto me. "I'm so sorry." 

My heart skipped a beat when I heard those words come out of the same mouth that was previously swearing at me.

"I never thought you'd be this...talented." 

"You should have listened first." I said in a disappointing tone.

"I know, I was wrong." he admitted. "I judge too fast and underestimated you."

"Does this mean I have your blessing to join an entertainment company?"


My pout turned into a huge smile and Y/N's scream echoed in my ears like music. "Jimin!" she screamed full of happiness and back-hugged me. 

We formed a group hug meaning we were both ready to do auditions for different companies.

The only problem was the fact that it wasn't the audition period and we had to wait for months which wasn't an option for us. 

On the other hand, my dad was so proud of us that decided to make my sister post our cover on social media to gain recognition and so did Jiwoon, Y/N's brother.

Y/N and I went at our little secret spot the same night to relax and get our minds off of the whole thing. "Can you believe this?" she reminded me.

"I can't." 

"Wait until they see our dancing." she joked but actually meant it.

"Let's take it easy so that fame won't hit us in the head. Stay humble." 

"After all we haven't had any recognition yet."

"It's early princess." 

"I know baby, I know." she responded and kissed me.

Our voices weren't the only thing that could harmonize, our lips could too.

After all, we shared the same dream and ambition. Wouldn't our bodies do the same?


ohhhh hey

hope you liked it

love y'all,


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