chapter 10

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Unknown POV:

I saw her. She's grown up so beautifully. Those long legs, her tiny waist and every other feature reminds me of her mother. How she looked perfect even in her simple school uniform was beyond me because that thing looks horrible, but not on her body. No.

In my thoughts I didn't realize my most trusted man walking up to my desk. He cleared his throat to draw my attention to him and when I looked up, he straightened his posture.

"Tell me..." I said dismissively.

"Boss I followed her really closely and today I was close to getting her "
He said with his head bowed. I said nothing, I wanted him to finish telling me everything.

"Boss,there was a boy" he said and my heart sank.

"Was it HIM?! " I asked getting frustrated.

"no boss. This was another boy, but he seems to also want her. She went with him into his car, and they went to his house. But I don't know why. " he said to me.

I nodded my head and he walked out. She's going to bring a lot of chaos when I finally bring her . She will not like it, she might even hate me more than I already know she does. I wish she wouldn't be involved in all of this but she's going around bewitching men with her beauty and now it's gotten her into trouble she's not even aware of.


As I stepped into the bachelor pad, I remembered the last time I had been here. That day had been so fun with Damien. It made me miss how happy I know I was before now.

As I was spaced out ,I didn't realise that Damien had placed two cups of tea on the center table and was sitting on the couch looking at me with a raised brow.

I huffed and paced toward the sofa and had a seat at the far end of the sofa. He handed me a cup and still looked at me questionably.

" Are you going to start talking or just keep staring at me like a creep?" I asked irritated

He cleared his throat and raked his fingers through his hair. Yum! He's so hot. Damn se-!

Where did all these thoughts come from?

Well I won't deny that he's handsome. ..and SEXY!

Shut up.

I heard him heave out a breath which took me out of my internal battle. I looked over at him when I heard shuffling and felt the sofa dip at my side.

He took his cup from the table top and took a quick sip and moaned while I felt his breath fan my shoulder.

He's making me feel so hot and bothered. I placed my cup on the table and shifted a bit so that I can face him.

"so, what did you want to talk about? " I asked and saw his face paled a little and I could tell he felt uncomfortable.

" Well, you know-" he started but stopped and placed his cup on the table beside my cup of tea.

"look, I'm very sorry for the other day when I pulled that stupid stunt. I lost control I know and it's unforgivable but please if you ever loved me as a friend, I would be glad to hear from you that you forgive me. " He said not daring to take even the smallest peak at my face.

I could see the pained expression his face held even though his head was bowed. His lips were in a straight line and he kept rubbing his thigh which I'm guessing was because his palms were sweaty.

"Could you at least look at me?" I asked softly. He slowly lifted his head and I smiled lightly at him which I noticed helped soothe his nerves.

"I would never keep something like that within me. I do forgive you. I did a long time ago. " I said and put my palm over his that was on his leg. "You were a friend to me and will always be. What happened wouldn't change anything between us. We had good times together and also the bad so I wouldn't throw all that away because of some stupid encounter. So you don't have to worry because I still cherish your friendship though you're quite irritating most at times. "
I said with a light laugh.

He was shocked I could tell, it was written all over his face. Then I saw a smile break onto his lips then he hugged me. I hugged him back but broke away slowly when it was becoming too much.

"Thank you Terlsa. You don't know how at ease I feel now that I know you've moved on from that. And this may sound weird but I think I still have a chance with you " he said and my eyes widened.

" I-I didn't say that Damien " I said but he shrugged. " OK. Well whatever makes you sleep at night " I said.

" I should take you to school now " he said standing up and grabbing his keys.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

We walked out and went down then got into his car and hit the road heading to school.


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