the return

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twenty twelve ; matt maeson


bambam and yugyeom spent their days in the sun.

the forest was a wild and interesting place, with new adventures around every corner. the boys of raven house spent hours in there, exploring every creak and crevice. more often than not, bambam and yugyeom would break away from the group and explore on their own. lately, yugyeom would reach out and hold bambam's hand, intertwining their fingers delicately even when bambam wasn't suffering from the voices. they couldn't reach him when he was far out from the house anyway.

at night they still haunted him. even when yugyeom held him close, they still bombarded him from every direction, getting louder each day. what they were saying became clear; come back. bambam wondered if it was changkyun who was calling him, or something else.

and yet he was still too afraid to go in that room again, so he spent every minute possible outside where the voices couldn't get him.

he and chris has become particularly close as well. bambam enjoyed the werewolf's playful company, and despite his rough exterior, he knew that chris had a good heart. that day, they were sitting in the backyard together, watching the sun set as the rest of the boys played an intense game of tag before ms. yang called them for dinner. bambam was working on a crown of flowers mindlessly, paying more attention to watching the smile on yugyeom's face as he dashed across the yard than the thing in his hands.

"i have a question for you", chris spoke up suddenly, turning to gaze at bambam. it was almost full moon, and their eyes were the same shade of silver.

"hm?", bambam hummed, focused on his flower crown. he thought about giving it to yugyeom once it was done. the zombie would look good in flowers.

"it's about yugyeom...", chris trailed off, a bit unsure. bambam raised an eyebrow, eyes still on the flowers.


"do you...". chris thought for a second. "do you, i don't know, like him, or something?"

bambam dropped his flower crown and turned to look at chris in confusion. "what?"

"do you like him?", chris repeated. bambam chuckled a bit.

"yeah, of course. he's my friend."

chris rolled his eyes. "that's not what i mean."

"then what do you mean?", bambam asked, still confused. chris pointed to the zombie, drawing bambam's attention to how the other looked, breathless and sweaty, using a hand to push back his dark hair as his chest heaved while he laughed.

"do you like him?"

bambam finally understood. his face flushed and his eyes widened but he couldn't remove them from yugyeom. he shook his head quickly, too quickly, and scooted away from chris.

"no, of course not!", he hissed, cheeks bright pink. chris chuckled and shook his head.

"right, like i'm going to believe you after that reaction."

"i don't like him", bambam said, trying to assure himself of it more than chris. now he couldn't stop thinking about it, all the nights he and yugyeom shared a bed, the days they spent holding hands, the lingering looks and touching. but he didn't like him. he didn't have time to deal with that at the moment; running from his worst fears was a full time job.

"you know it's okay if you do", chris said and stood up. bambam watched as he walked away, a thousand thoughts running through his mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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