Elizabeth Grey

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It was early in the morning in Elizabeth Grey's apartment. Starting theme music plays on the TV, before the news starts, it showed fancy buildings and other fancy stuff. The newscaster gives out a smile and says with an energetic voice

" Here live in LA at 6:00 in the morning with Anthony Lopez, the son of the rich and famous owner of Cross Corp. Don Lopez"

" While Anthony was taking a cup of coffee he shared to us his plan to go to college to make use of his boring time, just as he said"

" So Anthony, what school are you planning to go to and what course are you gonna take?"

"Maybe Harvard and I'm taking up business Anthony replied to the newscaster"

"well are you planning to make friends? Or maybe find someone special?" Asks the reporter

" I don't like to mingle so I don't expect friends and I don't really need a special someone I have my money" Anthony replied smugly. There was an 8 second awkwardness of silence but Anthony quickly says that he needed to leave and the newscaster said her goodbyes and it went to commercial.

Elizabeth said with a broken face "what a spoiled rich brat.. And everyone told me that he was cute and was a gentleman.. They were right.. He WAS ... ".

After watching the news Elizabeth realized she was late for her class so she changed quick and got a taxi to her school. She arrived in school after going through the 30 minute traffic, which isn't something new in Manila. She was an hour late and missed her first subject. She ran to her next class and realized how noisy the students were in every classroom, their voices could be heard through the halls. She finally arrived at her classroom and asked her classmates about all the noise and chit-chat. None of her classmates replied but she could here them talking about Anthony Lopez and since she didn't like him and his attitude she just sat in her chair alone and silent. She could over her classmates saying

"Did you here? He's going to college in Harvard, I wish he could come to out school"

"I know me too.."

"He said he doesn't want a special someone too, I'm sure we don't have a chance"

Elizabeth was annoyed with all there boring talk and the teacher was just writing on the board and ignored all their noise. Elizabeth decided to walk out of class and no one bothered noticing her not even the teacher. She went back to her empty apartment and took a nap. Elizabeth lives alone in her apartment because her mother died from cancer when she was 5 and since then her father became a bum and drank till he'd get knocked out from all the alcohol, so when Elizabeth turned 16 she left her father and found her own place, she also got to get a part time job at a bar near her apartment. So no she doesn't have a fairy tale life with a happy family and an easy life. She's been struggling for 3 years already and who knows how long she'll be living like this. The lucky thing about it is that one more year to go and she'll be graduating which means she could get a better job and maybe have a better life. Well that's all with her and her past life.

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