Going to school

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It was the start of school for Anthony and everyone was already trying to be his friend. He ignored everyone and went to his first class. 30 mins through his first class and he couldn't take listening to the lessons about managing a business.

" professor may I go to the restroom?"

"Well ok, but don't be long."

Anthony quickly left the classroom and headed for the exit. He decided to skip the whole day of class and search for some fun around the malls. For the first time, Anthony actually started having real fun and felt what it was like to have time to himself. Two weeks has past and Anthony still hasn't gone to school, and every weekend he would stay home and the usual, his parents are busy and they're not home so he's always alone. But on that Saturday of the second week of his school, his parents stayed home which was very unusual. Anthony asked his parents

"There's no work today?"

Without answering his question, his mother asked with a voice as if she knew something

"How is school? Are you learning a lot?"

"Ummm yes ma"

"Are you sure? Can you tell me what you have learned for the past two weeks?"

"I learned how to... ummm.. manage a business"

Anthony answered with a nervous voice. He was worried about his parents finding out. One thing he doesn't know is that they've already found out because the dean called them and asked if anything happened to him. The dean told his parent that Anthony hasn't gone to school for two weeks. His mother looked at him as if she was about to explode and throw a tantrum but with a very calm voice she tells him

"As punishment for not going to school properly you will be sent to the Philippines and you have to be independent. No one will help you there or give you money for allowance. You'll be given enough money for school and you'll be living in our old house in Manila so you clean up after your own mess and fix up the house. You're 20 years old already so prove it"

Anthony had nothing to say and didn't know how to react.

"Oh yah, one more thing Anthony...

Time to grow up."

Right after his mother said that Anthony felt embarrassed for his actions but he knew that the decision has been made and that he can't change their mind on sending him to the Philippines.

His flight was scheduled on the next day so he had to prepare that night. After preparing he realized how late it was and quickly went to sleep. Morning already and he had to ready himself for his 12pm flight. When he woke up he asked his maids where his parents were and they gave him a note from his parents saying

" the driver will be there at 11 to send you to the airport so don't be late. You're a big boy now so you don't need your parents to send you. Take care of yourself and be good. Good bye Anthony.

-ma and pa"

Anthony started feeling hatred towards his parents for treating him like that and didn't care about going to the Philippines. What Anthony didn't know is that his parents couldn't bare to see their son leave so they decided to leave a goodbye note. His parents love him but they wanted him to grow up, so they had to make a final decision.

12pm already and Anthony is already at the airport, lining up to board the airport. He had to ready himself for a 16 hour flight to South Korea and his 1 hour flight to Manila.

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