Could it be a mistake?

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The last semester is over and they haven't said a word to each other. Everything seemed different but Anthony's feelings never changed and Elizabeth didn't understand how she was supposed to feel.

After the classes we're dismissed, Elizabeth sat on a bench outside her school and eavesdropped on someone's conversation, but she didn't know who it was.

"Hey bro, did you hear? Anthony is going back to the US and I'm not sure if he's coming back. You wanna throw him a farewell party?"

"Sure bro, who's invited ?"

"Well we could have the whole student body?"

"Aryt2, let's set it up in the school gym and text everyone or send them a message on Facebook."


After Elizabeth heard that Anthony was leaving, she felt something. A feeling she couldn't understand.

The farewell party was going to be held on the day before Anthony's flight. There was no doubt Elizabeth was going.

3 days till the farewell party and Anthony didn't have a clue about it. The only thing Anthony did for those three days were working extra hours to get extra money, and to get himself ready for his flight.

As for Elizabeth, she was just waiting for time to pass, so she could go to the party. She patiently waited for it.

The day that everyone's been waiting for, Mark calls Anthony to come by the school cos of an emergency. Anthony being a good friend he rushed to the school, into the gym and everyone screamed surprise. He was shocked and thankful for everyone's effort to greet him good bye before he leaves. There was music playing, people dancing and a lot of snacks. Although Anthony was happy about the surprise and everything but he was hoping to find one particular person, Elizabeth.

He ran up the seats to look through the crowd and see her face but he couldn't find her. So he screamed her name

"Elizabeth!! Are you here?"

The music was too loud so he tried to scream even louder, but still she wasn't there. Little did he know, she was just standing right outside the gym door confused, if she should go in or not.

"I don't deserve to be here.."

She said to herself

Anthony rushes to the gym door hoping to find her coming but when he opened the door she wasn't there. He waited outside the gym for 30 mins and still didn't see her. He couldn't leave the party cos it was especially for him and it would be too rude to just walk out. So he went back in and waited for the party to end.

Elizabeth left the school before he saw her and went home instead of seeing him. She still hated him but she she felt pain in her heart. She didn't know if it was because he was leaving or for what other reason she could have for feeling so much pain. She would never admit that she started liking him.

When the party was over Anthony went straight home after thanking everyone and readied himself for his 6am flight. His flight is pretty early so he went to bed early.

Then when morning arrived he woke up, changed and left for the airport. He got there just on time so he went straight for the gate and lined up to board the plane.

And Elizabeth was there in the airport since 4am hoping to see him before he leave and she did. She saw him heading to the gate and ran after him. But she stopped, she didn't know what to say so she just stood there and watched him leave. It felt like everything was in slow motion when he walked through the gate.

She was lost in her own thoughts and feelings. She missed her only chance to see him. She doesn't even know when or if he is coming back.

Anthony was gone for the whole summer and Elizabeth started missing him more and more everyday. Each day her like grew and turned into love. She started loving him even though he was far away. Elizabeth's summer felt like it lasted forever. Constantly counting the days just to know when it would be over and when it was the end of her summer she was hoping to see Anthony, but when she went to school. She didn't see him anymore.

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