Trouble and more trouble

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After Elizabeth's busy semestral break, she goes to school on the first day of the second semester and finds everyone talking about Anthony Lopez being in their school. She didn't believe it or she didn't want to believe it but it was true. She saw him walking in the school halls with his friend Mark. Elizabeth goes to her class and ignores everything and everyone. She walks right through the crowd of students and just in the wrong timing Anthony tries to go through the crowd as well and they end up bumping into each other. But with Anthony's camera not hanged safely around his neck it falls down. Elizabeth stood up quickly and ran to her class to escape any problems and as for Anthony he yells

"Hey you! Come back here! You broke the lens of my camera!!"

Mark tries to calm him down

"It's ok Anthony , you could have the lens replaced. It's not that expensive."

But Anthony didn't have money so he wanted her to pay him back. Not knowing her name made it harder for him to look for her.

"Mark, can you help me find out the name of that girl who bumped into me?"

"Uuuuuy! Why bro??? Are you in love?? Hahaha"

"Agghhh!! No of course not! It's because I have no money to buy a new lens and it's because of her that's why my camera is broken!"

"Ok, ok, chill bro. I will find out her name and everything about her."

"Thanks a lot Mark"

"No problem bro!"

So Mark went on looking for information while Anthony waited for him. So he spent his lunch time alone and was checking if the pictures he had was still in his camera. He was afraid of the pictures disappearing from how the camera fell.

Luckily nothing happened to the pictures or anything else except the lens. It was a relief for Anthony that it was just the lens being broken, what could he do without his camera. He couldn't be borrowing a camera forever.

Mark and Anthony met up at the classroom and sat down waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Bro, her name is Elizabeth Grey, 19 years old, 3rd year and she's taking interior designing. Heheh. That's all I got."

"Oh well thanks Mark, but I just wanted her name. You didn't need to find out all the extra stuff."

"Well your welcome.. Very very welcome.

You know I gave my lunch just to know how old she is and what year she is now? "

"Why'd you give your lunch?"

"The girl wouldn't give me the name unless I surrendered my lunch to her"

"Oh umm ok Mark, maybe you should eat it ahead next time. I don't think she'll still want it from you. Hahaha"

Anthony just laughed at Mark and the teacher came in a few minutes later.

"I won't be holding a class today but I'll give you all a project. I want you guys to capture a perfect picture, that'll be for your finals so you have the whole semester to prepare for it. I'll start a new topic next meeting. You're dismissed"

Everyone was excited to show off their photography and the classroom cleared in seconds.

Without a new lens, Anthony didn't have an inspiration for his perfect picture.

He went around the halls to find Elizabeth so he could ask her to pay him back, but he had a problem.. He couldn't remember what she looked like.

He called Mark and told him he'll be heading home and didn't want to hang out that afternoon. So Anthony went straight home.

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