01 | May 2, 1998

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The battle had reigned throughout the night. The younger students fled to safety with some of the older ones and the people who stayed fought for their lives. People died. Men and women and peers who Effie Granger had known for years. They were dead. Yet she was alive.

        She, the girl who was selfish and horrible, had the beating heart while brave men and women like Remus Lupin and Tonks and Fred Weasley we're lying dead in the Great Hall. She had been resigned since the very beginning that it would never come to this. She refused to see the hard truth about the state of the world. She could remember soundly many months ago when she first was faced with the truth by her sister, Hermione.

        "We... have to make them forget us," Hermione said with her usual voice of reason. "Mum and dad — they'll be in danger. If Death Eaters got a hold of them, they'd torturing them for information on us. We can't let that happen."

        They were outside, standing in the forest behind their house they had grown up in playing pretend. Hermione and her best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, had made a pact together that they wouldn't return to school and would instead go on the hunt for Horcruxes. Effie hadn't been there for the conversation. She never was. She was always left out because she was a Slytherin and Gryffindor didn't get along well with her House. It had driven a big wedge between her and her twin over the years. She hadn't signed up to go Horcrux hunting.

        "Why do they have to forget me?" Effie asked stubbornly. "I'm not going on some suicide mission with Potter."

        Hermione sighed. She was always at her wits end with her little sister. She and Effie were polar opposites in as many ways as they were similar. Effie putting herself first before anyone else was one of the difference. Hermione would die for those she loved.

        "It's not safe. If it was, I'd erase myself from your memory so you could finally be the only child," Hermione said bitterly with a sad note. "But we're Muggle-borns. Sooner or later they'll come looking for us, especially if You-Know-Who takes over the Ministry—"

        Effie snorted. "That's impossible."

        "And they said it was impossible for a Muggle-born to be put into Slytherin yet look at you," Hermione retorted back, her cheeks growing red. "You know it could happen and if and when it does, we'll be more in danger and I'm not willing to put you or our parents in that kind of danger."

        "Well, I'm not helping you hunt Horcruxes," Effie refused, crossing her arms. "Go ahead, erase us from mum and dad's memories. Make all of this a little more worse, Hermione! You always do! I'm going back to Hogwarts."

        "Effie, no!"

        "Hogwarts is the safest place, and if you can't see that, then I don't know how to help you."

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