| The Seducer | 10

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Jungkook walks into his room an slammed the door shut, using all of his anger

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Jungkook walks into his room an slammed the door shut, using all of his anger

He then sits down on the floor with his back leaned against the bed

Why all of a sudden she moody?....... and why put the anger on me?..is it my fault??

Jungkook sat there all night  thinking about how y/n is feeling that way


As Jungkook walks downstairs to the kitchen, Yoongi and Irene was sitting down preparing breakfast

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As Jungkook walks downstairs to the kitchen, Yoongi and Irene was sitting down preparing breakfast. But Jungkook only saw three plates.

Jungkook: Huh?... why only three plates?

Yoongi: Y/n left.

Jungkook: What? When? Why??

Irene: I knocked on her door for breakfast but turns out she's gone.

Jungkook: Did you call her?

Irene: Why should I?

Jungkook gave Irene an evil stare

Yoongi: She left the note over there

Jungkook hurriedly walked over to the fridge and grabbed the sticky note that was placed on the fridge


I'm sorry that I didn't tell you i'm leaving early

Thanks a lot. Have fun

Jungkook sighs as he scrunches the sticky note in between his hand

Jungkook: I'm leaving too. She can't manage alone.

Jungkook then walks out leaving Yoongi and Irene sitting there


Irene: .... see? Is this a game or is he acting like it's a game...

Yoongi then looked out the window confused

The Seducer | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now