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I stood behind my brother staring at him nervously, I wasn't the only one who felt his fear and anxiety. Here we stood at the Grand Prix final and everything seemed to be standing against us. Sorry, I forgot to mention, my name is Nina Katsuki I am the little sister to Yuri Katsuki. I know pretty strange me and him being related especially since I am a woman's champion at only 19. I'll be 20 the same day as my brother. Now I know that seems pretty odd since Yuri is older than me by 4 years. Mom didn't know she wasn't pregnant with me and I was supposed to be born 2 weeks after Yuri's birthday but I'm an impatient child and don't like to be kept waiting I guess.

I looked up to Yuri as he passed the floor. He was so nervous and he had so little faith in himself. I wanted to do anything to help him out but at this moment I don't think even talking to me would have made him feel any better. You see me and my brother, him and I do everything together we are just like twins. Ever since I could walk I've wanted to skate with my brother so he taught me everything that he knew. Yuri seemed to jump when there was a loud buzzing noise coming from his pocket. He got a text from someone but I'm not quite sure who It could have been.  Yuri gave me a very weak smile as he walked away. I knew something had to have been wrong because he walked away and looked as if he was going to start crying. I went to follow after him but I got stopped by fans who wanted a picture. I quickly took pictures with them then I ran off to find my brother. I looked at the door in front of me and it read "Men's only" I quickly thought up a plan.

"Ah what the hell. This isn't my championship they'll never know the difference" I reached in my coat for the beanie I always keep just in case the weather is rough outside wherever we are traveling. I make it look like I have short hair and then I walk into the men's room. "This just has to work. Maybe they will think me as Yuri and not question" I hopefully thought. When I walked in I found a young boy with short blonde hair about to his shoulders harassing my brother. I listen in a little as he tells my brother it's best he just retires and I can see in my brother's eyes he had been crying and now that he's listening to these assholes words he's honestly considering what he has to say. Oh no, not on my watch! The boy has my brother by the collar of his jacket so I grab his hand and spin the blonde haired boy around to face me. My brother falls to his hands and knees while they both look at me with a shocked expression. I guess they didn't know I had come into the bathroom.

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing harassing my brother like that!" It's not till I finish yelling at the kid, do I then realize who it is I'm yelling at. Here in front of me is Yuri Plisetsky! He's not much younger than I am he's Russia's young male figure skating prodigy. At 17 he's already made his way up to the senior division. Never mind that he's harassing my brother and I won't stand for it. Somehow when Yuri fell he managed to grab my beanie and now my long black hair dangles down past my shoulders. Idk whether Plisetsky is shocked or angry at me interrupting. Maybe both. Plisetsky swats my hand away and gives me a sneer before walking to the door and says to us in a very heavy Russian accent. "You better watch it little piggy we don't need people like you in this competition, and next time princess make sure you step into the right bathroom." My blood was boiling at this point, I am no princess to anyone. I wanted to chase after him and give him a piece of my mind but I could feel Yuri tugging on my coat so I turned to look at him and his eyes were red again as he was balling. I got down to his level and I hugged him as he cried into my shoulder. I asked him what was wrong and that's when he told me he got a call from mom saying that our little dog Victor had passed away. I loved this dog but not as much as my brother did. My brother adored our dog, Victor, he named him after our idol Victor Nikiforov. My brother and I used to copy what we saw Victor do on TV so we could get better and learn new tricks.

I just held my brother as he cried into my shoulder. "Oh this is going to be a long night for us," I thought to myself. After everyone had finished we got to scores for the event. My brother got 6th place, while Victor got his 5th consecutive win. We were both happy for Victor but you could see the toll the huge loss had on my brother. He decided after this season he didn't know what he was going to do so instead of staying and training for next season him and I went back to our home in Japan. I knew mom and dad would be thrilled to see us but I could see in the eyes of Yuri he was ashamed to go home. Not only because we were going home after he had not won a medal and for gaining so much weight after he stopped skating for so long. I knew mom and dad would love him even if he didn't win but he didn't see it that way.

*Two weeks later*

We were finally home. I tried convincing my brother to skate again after my season had ended for the year but he wouldn't listen to me. We were greated with many hugs and kisses from our family and friends when we were home. I know I was very happy to be home after being gone for so long, you could see the same in Yuri's eyes but the shine that used to be there in his eyes seemed to be gone. "Oh Yuri, don't lose hope. We'll figure this out"

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